I would describe myself as an armchair activist concerned with media manipulation of "green" issues particularly the so called climate debate which IMHO wilfully focusses on the uncertainties of climate science to misrepresent the public's imperative to address urgently the need for executive action on AGW.
Anthropogenic Global Warming is the biggest news story of the 21st century but you wouldn't know it. Earlier this year I woke up to the fact that I had been lied to on the subject of Climate Change. It was a very clever lie; so clever , everyone I knew was lying also. So I decided to try to find out the truth, my edits on SourceWatch are the pebbles I have turned over along that road.
"It is in the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant and to embrace what is obviously false and comforting". H.L. Mencken