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==Associates and Afilliations==
* Member of [[Scientific Alliance]] Advisory Board
* Reader Emeritus, Department of Geography and Earth Resources, University of Hull
* Critic of the [[Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]] [http://www.john-daly.com/sonja-bc.htm]
* Editor of the journal [[Energy and Environment]]
* Signed climate skeptics 2002 letter to Canadian PM Jean Chretien<ref>"[http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~prall/climate/ca02_orig.html]"</ref>
*Member of [[Scientific Alliance]] Advisory Board
*Reader Emeritus, Department of Geography and Earth Resources, University of Hull
*Critic of the [[Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]] [http://www.john-daly.com/sonja-bc.htm]
*Editor of the journal [[Energy and Environment]]
==External Reseources==
==External Reseources==

Revision as of 21:15, 24 December 2010

Dr Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen claims[1] to be "an ‘expert’ on the science and politics of global warming since the late 1980s". This is contrasted by her skeptical contribution to the BBC's report[2] on scientific expertise in climate science by Anderegg & Prall et al where she opines "Who judges expertise and prominence? It looks to me that the authors belong to an IPCC supporting group that must count as believers and belong to the beneficiaries of the man-made warming scare."

"Many of the motives of supporters of 'green' solutions and ideas are suspect and the political ignorance or naivetey of environmentalists are a concern to me" [8]

She has written for Spiked [3] and is a shareholder of the LM Group [4]

She is also a visiting fellow at SPRU at Sussex University.[5]

Accusations of Misconduct

Dr Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen has accused climate scientists of misconduct on at least two occasions. She appears as a correspondent in one of the 1073 emails hacked from University of East Anglia in 2009. She is quotes as saying “[t]he hacked emails revealed attempts to manipulate peer review to E&E’s disadvantage, and showed that libel threats were considered against its editorial team. Dr Jones even tried to put pressure on my university department.” But the Muir Russell Report concluded that they “see nothing [in] Boehmer-Christiansen’s evidence that supports any allegation that CRU has directly and improperly attempted to influence the journal that she edits.” Furthermore, the emails actually show that Boehmer-Christiansen had been accusing CRU of scientific fraud, and “Jones’ response to her accusation of scientific fraud was appropriate, measured and restrained.” [6]

On the occasion of the publication of the paper Anderegg et al 2010 she is quoted as saying "It looks to me that the authors belong to an IPCC supporting group that must count as believers and belong to the beneficiaries of the man-made warming scare."[7]

Associates and Afilliations

External Reseources


  1. "[1]"
  2. "[2]"
  3. "[3]"
  4. "Companies House, Spiked Ltd. AR01 Annual Return 2010 "
  5. "page 2[4]"
  6. "[5]"
  7. "[6]"
  8. "[7]"