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Kotapally power station (SKIL Group)

32 bytes added, 21:32, 31 August 2014
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{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Kotapally power station (SKIL Group)''' is a proposed coal plant in Telangana (formerly [[Andhra Pradesh and coal|Andhra Pradesh]]), India.
The map below shows the location of Kotapally village, district of Adilabad, the approximate location where the plant would be built.
'''Kotapally power station (SKIL Group)''' is a proposed 600 megawatt (MW) coal plant in Andhra Pradesh Telangana state, India. The project is mentioned on the 2011 list of applications to the Ministry of Coal for long term coal linkage.<ref>[ "Pending Application of IPPs up to 31st July, 2011,"] Ministry of Coal, August 18, 2011</ref> However there is no mention of the project on the SKIL Group website,<ref>[ "SKIL Group - Power,"] accessed March 2014</ref> and the company has not applied with the government for clearances. The project may have been abandoned.
==Project Details==
'''Sponsor:''' [[SKIL Group]]<br>
'''Location:''' Kotapally village, Chennur taluk, Adilabad district, Telangana (formerly Andhra Pradesh)<br>
'''Coordinates:''' 18.9286, 79.8176 (approximate)<br>
'''Status:''' Cancelled<br>
[[category:india]] [[category:mining]][[Category: Proposed coal plants in Andhra PradeshTelangana]][[Category: India and coal]][[Category: Proposed coal plants in India]]