We need help filling in information on tobacco industry-related people in our [[Biographies]] database, and cleaning up exsiting articles (adding appropriate paragraph breaks, improving the format, etc.). You can help by going through the Biographies and helping us find out more information on the people.
The best way to do this is to take the entire name of a person, for example, "John Pumpernickle," and enter it, in quotations, as search criteria in the Legacy Tobacco Documents Full Text Demonstration Site at ltdlftd.http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu
Read the documents. They are searchable PDFs and you can search within them for the person's name by using the "Find" tool in your Adobe Acrobat program (use the icon that looks like little binoculars). Find where the name occurs in the document and note who the person worked for, where they worked (geographic location), if the person had a title, the date they held the title, and any other pertinent information you may find on them. Add the information to their profile! Be sure to reference the documents you found as sources.