{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}}The '''Adilibad power station (Shalivahana Power Corp.)''' is was a proposed 300 -megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station proposed by [[Shalivahana Power Corporation]] in Achalapur in Adilibad district, Andhra Pradesh, India.
The '''Adilibad power station (Shalivahana Power Corp.)''' is a 300-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station was proposed by [[Shalivahana Power Corporation]] to be built at Achalapur in Adilibad district, Andhra Pradesh, India.<ref name="Shal">[http://www.projectsmonitor.com/detailnews.asp?newsid=16513 "Shalivahana Power revises capacity"], ''Project Monitor'', July 14-20, 2008.</ref>
In July 2008 it was reported that an earlier 135 MW project "was refused coal linkage by [[Central Electricity Authority]]. The standing committee of the CEA refused the company's request for coal linkage for its 2x135 MW plant to prevent the mushrooming of small units that would lead to environment degradation. The committee also informed the company that proposals from units with capacity of 250 MW and above should achieve higher plant efficiency and assure optimum utilisation of coal resources.