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Photovoltaic power as an alternative to coal

7 bytes added, 21:45, 22 July 2009
SW: →‎External resources: ASES link fix
*[ "Power from rooftops could replace coal,"] Gar Lipow, Gristmill, 6/30/08
*[ "A Solar Grand Plan,"] Ken Zweibel, James Mason and Vasilis Fthenakis, ''Scientific American,'' December 2007.
* [ "Tackling Climate Change in the U.S.: Potential Carbon Emissions Reductions from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by 2030,"] American Solar Energy Society, January 2007.
* [ "The War on Coal: Think Outside the (Coal) Pits,"] Khosla Ventures, 2007 (PDF file)
*[ "U.S. installed solar capacity up 17 percent in 2008"], ''Reuters'', March 20, 2009.
