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Greece and coal

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coal reserves irrelevent
{{#badges:CoalSwarm|Navbar-Greeceandcoal}} While Greece produces no hard coal it is the second largest European producer of lignite in the EU after Germany, with approximately 80 million tonnes mined in 2004. Most and most electricity is produced from lignite.<ref name="PPC">Energy Information Administration, [ "PPC > Company profile > Activity Sectors > Mines"], [[Public Power Corporation]], undated, accessed May 2018.</ref> The largest domestic coal producer is the government-owned [[Public Power Corporation]] (PPC), which controls approximately 63% of the known coal reserves.<ref name="EIA Coal">Energy Information Administration, [ "Greece: Coal"], Energy Information Administration, undated, accessed July 2008.</ref> In addition, and hard coal is imported from South Africa, Russia, Venezuela, and Colombia.<ref name="U.S. Geological Survey 2005">Harold R. Newman, [ "The Mineral Industry of Greece"], 2005 Minerals Yearbook, U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey, December 2007.</ref>
==Power Generation==
