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Policy Research Institute on Ageing & Ethnicity

"PRIAE was founded in 1998 by Professor Naina Patel OBE who recognised the need for a dedicated organisation that focused and concentrated on the various issues faced by black and minority ethnic elders and their organisations amid increasing population change and slow policy and practice developments. Naina built PRIAE up with zero finance and with support from a distinguished Management Board, chaired by Lord Herman Ouseley and Vice Chair Lord Navnit Dholakia, other trustees, and, later, staff when funds were secured in 2001, to the international organisation it is today. PRIAE has its first patron, Dr Chai Patel, CBE, FRCP." Based in Leeds. [1]


Accessed October 2012: [2]


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  1. Policy Research Institute on Ageing & Ethnicity About, organizational web page, accessed October 4, 2012.
  2. Policy Research Institute on Ageing & Ethnicity Patrons, organizational web page, accessed October 4, 2012.

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