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Mach No. 1 Mine

508 bytes added, 23:08, 7 December 2009
SW: updated mine data location and gps, references
*'''Owner''': Mach Mining, LLC
*'''Parent company''': Colt Coal
*'''Location''': Johnston City18000 DEAN RD, IllinoisJOHNSTON CITY, IL, 62951 [4.]*'''GPS coordinates''':37.848358,-88.837166 [4.]
*'''Production''': 5,503,665 tons (2008)
*'''Type of coal''': Bituminous
=== References ===
4. Ed: best guess according to EPA facility registration[ EPA facility registration] for what is assumed to be the mine's prior or alternate name: Pond Creek Mine [ what is assumed to be the mine's prior or alternate name: Pond Creek Mine].
[[Category:Existing coal mines in the United States]]
[[Category:Illinois]][[Category:Existing coal mines in Illinois]]
