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Don Valley Power Project

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project fails to win backing
The Don Valley Project, the company states on its website, has been "awarded €180 million of EU funding in 2010 and planning permission was awarded in 2009. National Grid is currently permitting a pipeline to take the CO2 offshore to North Sea storage sites. The project currently expects to be operational by the end of 2016" with an estimated total cost of "up to £5 billion".<ref>2Co Energy Ltd, [ "Don Valley CCS Project, South Yorkshire, UK"], 2Co Energy website, accessed October 2012.</ref>
In October 2012 the company reported that it had failed to win financial backing from the UK government. CEO Lewis Gillies stated,"This is truly disappointing news for the Doncaster area where we would have built this plant and for our world-class project team working to deliver it. We will complete the current phase of the project and meet the knowledge-share obligations of our existing EEPR funding from the EU but we cannot take this project further without funding from the UK government."<ref name=failure>[file html "EU's leading carbon capture project fails to win UK government backing,"] 2Co press release, 30 October 2012</ref>
==Sale to Sar Gas==
In July 2014, 2Co Energy report that it was in "exclusive negotiations" to sell the Don Valley project to Sargas, a privately held Norwegian company specialized in CO2 capture technology.<ref name=Sargas>[file html "Exclusive negotiations for sale of Don Valley Power Project to Sargas,"] 2Co Energy press release</ref>
==Project Details==
[[Category:Carbon Capture and Storage demonstration projects]]
[[Category:Carbon Capture and Storage demonstration projects in the United Kingdom]]