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Don Valley Power Project

472 bytes added, 20:35, 27 August 2015
==Sale to Sar Gas==
In July 2014, 2Co Energy report that it was in "exclusive negotiations" to sell the Don Valley project to Sargas, a privately held Norwegian company specialized in CO2 capture technology.<ref name=Sargas>[ "Exclusive negotiations for sale of Don Valley Power Project to Sargas,"] 2Co Energy press release</ref>
In december 2014 Sargas Power acquired the Don Valley Power and CCS Project from 2Co Energy. The project was awarded a €180 million grant under the European Economic Programme for Recovery (EEPR), which Sargas said is still available and "continues to be essential in funding the project to the point where the final investment decision will be made."<ref>[ "Sargas Power,"] CCSA, accessed Aug 2015</ref>
==Project Details==