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Greece and coal

34 bytes added, 09:38, 17 June 2018
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==Proposed Coal-Fired Power Stations==
* [[PPC ]] is reported to have decided to invest approximately €1.5 billion in a brand new lignite-fired plant.<ref name=euract/>
* A new unit is being constructed at [[Ptolemaida power station]].
==EU coal phase out==
Like all EU members, Greece has a legally-binding clean energy target and is aiming for 18 percent of energy consumption to be from renewables by 2020.<ref name="Bloomberg2018"> [ "Greece Kicks Off $3.6 Billion Program for Solar, Wind Projects"], Bloomberg, 30 April 2018</ref> EU policy makers and electricity companies consider investing in coal not to make any business sense compared to investing in renewable energy in Greece.<refname=euract> [ "Greece criticised for lacking modern energy plan to ditch coal"], EURACTIV, 29 May 2018</ref>
