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Related articles: | | was founded and is supported by veterans, its website states. [1].
Co-founder and Chairman Jon Soltz "organized veterans in Pennsylvania for John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign, and his VoteVets boasts an advisory board dominated by such Democratic veterans as Kerrey and Clark." [2]
Contents, a project of, launched November 20, 2007, with 2008 presidential candidates Sen. John Edwards (D); Rep. Ron Paul (R); Sen. Chris Dodd (D); Sen. Hillary Clinton (D); Sen. Barack Obama (D); Sen. Joe Biden (D); and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D) posting diaries.
Vote Vets Action Fund and Vote Vets PAC
"Vote Vets Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on behalf veterans and their families. VoteVets Political Action Committee is a federal political committee which primarily helps elect Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran candidates and educates about veterans and military issues aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election. VoteVets Political Action and Vote Vets Action Fund are separate organizations," the website states.
Staff and advisors
- Jon Soltz, Iraq War Veteran, Co-Founder and Chairman,[1]
- Jeremy Broussard, Iraq War Veteran, Co-Founder and Senior Advisor,[2]
- Sam Schultz, Senior Advisor[3]
- General Wesley Kanne Clark (US Army, ret), Board of Advisors
- Bob Kerrey, Board of Advisors
- Leslie H. Gelb, Board of Advisors
- Bill Belding, Board of Advisors[4]
- Ed Vick, Board of Advisors[5]
- Richard Beattie, Board of Advisors[6]
- Elaine Kamarck, Board of Advisors[7]
Contact information
90 Park Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 646 415-8429
Weblog: Daily Vet Blog
VoteVets News Room
Email: info AT
Related SourceWatch articles
- Americans Against Escalation in Iraq
- Americans for Victory Over Terrorism
- Appeal For Courage
- Exit Strategy from Iraq
- Freedom's Watch
- Gathering of Eagles
- Move America Forward
- Operation Enduring Freedom
- Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Patriot Project
- The Center for Vigilant Freedom (formerly The 910 Group)
- troop surge in Iraq
- Veterans' Alliance for Security and Democracy (VetPAC)
- Veterans for America
- Veterans for Common Sense
- Veterans for Victory
- Vets for Freedom
- ↑ Bio: Jon Soltz,
- ↑ Bio: Jeremy Broussard,
- ↑ Bio: Sam Schultz,
- ↑ Bio: Bill Belding,
- ↑ Bio: Ed Vick,
- ↑ Bio: Richard Beattie,
- ↑ Bio: Elaine Kamarck,
External articles
- Julie Kosterlitz, "Lobbying & Law - Veterans of Political Wars," National Journal, 2006.
- Geoffrey Gray, "Swift-Boat Revenge. How one New Yorker beat Republicans at the attack-ad game," New York Magazine, November 20, 2006.
- Jonathan Weisman, "GOP Senators Wrestle With Iraq War Resolution," Washington Post, January 26, 2007.
- Sarah Wheaton, "VoteVets Aims at G.O.P. Senators," The Caucus Blog/New York Times, January 29, 2007.
- Brian MacQuarrie, "Veterans group assails Iraq troop increase," Boston Globe (posted at, February 2, 2007.
- Nico Pitney, "VoteVets Ad To Run During Superbowl," Think Progress, February 4, 2007.
- Lyndsey Layton and Jonathan Weisman, "Veterans Group Speaks Out on War. Congressional Democrats Let Talk for Them, Bluntly," Washington Post, February 8, 2007.
- Joe Sudbay, " storms Capitol Hill," AMERICAblog, February 8, 2007.
- Carah Ong, "Wes Clark and VoteVets Start," Iran Nuclear Watch Blogspot, February 21, 2007.
- The Angry Rakkasan, "My Experience with VoteVets on Capitol Hill This Week," No Quarter Blog, March 27, 2007.
- "VFF’s Pete Hegseth debates the surge with anti-war activist John Soltz" on Hardball with Chris Matthews, May 8, 2007; posted on VFF website.
- "Retired generals slam Bush policy in new ads," Think Progress, May 9, 2007.
- John Aravosis, "Second general blasts Bush, and Maine GOP Senator Susan Collins," AMERICAblog, May 14, 2007.
- "Vets for Freedom's efforts on Capitol Hill," Nightline/ABC News, July 17, 2007; posted on Vets for Freedom website.
- Mitch Dworkin, "DEBATE ON IRAQ: Jon Soltz of vs. Pete Hegseth of Vets for Freedom," Securing America's Future/WesPAC, July 26, 2007. Scroll down through article for links to related articles and transcripts. See Pete Hegseth (VFF) and on Hardball with Chris Matthews: Part 1 and Part 2.
- Adam Howard, "Vets Debate Bush's Role in Tillman Tragedy" (Video), AlterNet, August 2, 2007. re Pat Tillman
- "Vote Vets Founder Spells Out Tillman Cover Up Perfectly," YouTube (, August 2, 2007.
- Pete Hegseth, News release: "Vets for Freedom Launches Ads in Four States, Fights Back Against," Vets for Freedom, August 8, 2007.
- Pete Hegseth, News release: "Vets for Freedom fights back against," Vets for Freedom, August 11, 2007.
- Anne Flaherty, "In the Debate Over Iraq, It's Vet Vs Vet," Associated Press (The Guardian (UK)), August 14, 2007.
- Mary, "Bush's War: Ending or Defending It, Vets Speak Out," The Left Coaster, August 14, 2007.
- "Andrew Horne on Soldier Suicide,", August 17, 2007. See VFF and VoteVets on YouTube.
- "Politicization of the Military Continues," Forward Deployed Blog, August 18, 2007.
- Robert Bluey, "Veterans’ Groups Prepare for Battle on Capitol Hill,", August 19, 2007.
- Hardball Debate August 20, 2007: "Vets for Freedom's Pete Hegseth Debates Jon Soltz on MSNBC's Hardball."
- "ME-Sen: VoteVets responds to pro-war ads," The Daily Kos, August 23, 2007.
- Joe Sudbay, "Last night, George Bush's new best friend, Rep. Brian Baird, met Jon Soltz from VoteVets and a lot of angry constituents," AMERICAblog, August 28, 2007. re Brian Baird
- Joe Sudbay, "Jon Soltz: Military 'just isn't willing to go along for the ride' with Bush on Iraq anymore," AMERICAblog, August 30, 2007.
- "Soltz to Senor: 'You can’t spin me a third time'," Think Progress, September 5, 2007.
- Ellen, "Jon Soltz, Top Dog Again For Confronting Dan Senor On Iraq Lies," News Hounds, September 5, 2007.
- Steve Rabin, "VoteVet's Powerful ad versus Freedom's Watch's Pathetic Attempt to Strike Back ...," NJDC's Blog, September 12, 2007.
- Eve Fairbanks, "The Few, The Proud, The Lobbyists. Iraq War Veterans Lobbying Congress On Both Sides," The New Republic/CBS News, October 12, 2007.