Blacksville 2 Mine
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{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}}
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="39.766012" lon="-80.282528" zoom="16">
39.763752, -80.282786
Opened in 1970 along the Pittsburgh No 8 coal seam
Mine Data
- Owner: Consolidation Coal Company
- Parent company: CONSOL Energy Co
- Location: Kuhntown, Pennsylvania (Coal exits mine in West Virginia)
- GPS coordinates: N 39° 45.806 W 080° 16.914 (needs confirmation)
- Production: 5,150,114
- Type of coal: Bituminous Coal
- Mine type: Underground
- Equipment: Longwall Machine, Conveyor
- Number of employees: 300+ (needs confirmation)
External links
- "Major U.S. Coal Mines," Energy Information Administration
- "Field Trip" Energy Information Administration Kids Page
Wikipedia also has an article on Blacksville 2 Mine. This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL.