Bruce Lindsey

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This article is part of the Tobacco portal on Sourcewatch funded from 2006 - 2009 by the American Legacy Foundation.

Bruce Lindsey was the White House deputy counsel in the Bill Clinton administration.

According to claims made in court papers filed in the Paula Jones case against former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Lindsey was tasked with handling "bimbo eruptions".

National Archives staff contacted Lindsey, Clinton's attorney, when they became aware that documents being reviewed for submission to the 9-11 Commission had been removed by Sandy Berger. Berger had been Clinton's national security advisor.


While Deputy Counsel to President Clinton, Mr. Lindsey received a letter dated August 19, 1997 from 23 state Attorneys General announcing a separate settlement in the Attorneys General tobacco litigation for the Liggett tobacco company, who had broken with the other tobacco companies by admitting that nicotine is addictive, that cigarette companies market to children and that cigarettes cause illnesses including lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema.[1]

A 1998 memo from Bernstein Research (a research firm for institutional investors) refers to Lindsey as "Clinton's point man on tobacco."[2]

External links

<tdo>resource_id=38636 resource_code=lindsey_bruce search_term=Bruce Lindsey</tdo>