Ghuman/Tilaun power station (Reliable Thermal)

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{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}} Ghuman/Tilaun power station is a proposed 1,320-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station in Madhya Pradesh, India.


The map below shows Jawa taluk, the approximate location where the plant would be built.

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Background on Plant

The 1,320 MW coal-fired power station pursued by Reliable Thermal received a terms of reference in April 2011. The company proposes sourcing coal from Coal India's Northern Coalfields Limited coal mines.[1]

As of April 2015 the project has not received environmental clearance, and appears to be abandoned.

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Reliable Thermal Power
  • Parent company:
  • Location: Ghuman village, Jawa taluk, Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh
  • Coordinates: 24.963897, 81.490368 (approximate)
  • Status: Cancelled
  • Gross Capacity:
    • Unit 1: 660 MW
    • Unit 2: 660 MW
  • Type:
  • Start date:
  • Coal Type:
  • Coal Source: NCL coal mines
  • Source of financing:
  • Permits and applications: Terms of Reference, India MoEF, Apr 27, 2011

Resources and articles


  1. Terms of Reference, India MoEF, Apr 27, 2011.

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