The Guardian

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The Guardian is a British newspaper owned by the Guardian Media Group. It is a serious broadsheet newspaper with relatively left wing politics. Until 1959 it was called The Manchester Guardian, and the paper is still sometimes referred to by this name, especially in North America. The Guardian has a daily circulation of around 400,000 (2002), compared to 620,000 for The Times, 920,000 for the Daily Telegraph and 230,000 for The Independent.

The paper is part of the Guardian Media Group of newspapers, radio stations, and new media including The Observer Sunday newspaper, the Manchester Evening News, and the Guardian Unlimited, one of the most popular online news resources on the Internet. All the aforementioned are owned by The Scott Trust, a charitable foundation. The Guardian also hosts a moderated/edited internet section called Comment is Free.

The Guardian and its parent groups are a participant in Project Syndicate [1], established by George Soros, and have recently intervened to save the Mail & Guardian in South Africa [2].

In July 2012 it was reported that Glenn Greenwald would join the Guardian along with "other American-based columnists — including Michael Wolff, Ana Marie Cox and Naomi Wolf — as part of its effort to create a larger presence in the United States." [3]


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  1. [1]
  2. [2]
  3. mediadecoder Glenn Greenwald Moves From Salon to Guardian U.S., organizational web page, accessed July 20, 2012.

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