Dame Julia Cleverdon

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Dame Julia Cleverdon" has recently been appointed by HRH, The Prince of Wales, as a Special Adviser to The Prince’s Charities with particular emphasis on the importance of the role of responsible business. Julia is also a Vice President of Business in the Community, a unique movement of 800 companies across the UK committed to continually improving their positive impact on society.

"Julia was Chief Executive of Business in the Community for 16 years, from 1992 to 2008. During that time – the collective activities of Business in the Community have greatly expanded to impact across local communities, support positive environmental activity, promote diversity and best practice in the workplace and encourage ethical operations in the wider marketplace.

"Julia has recently led, on behalf of the Prime Minister, a review on how education-business partnerships can contribute to educational excellence and is a member of the Talent and Enterprise Taskforce Advisory Group. Julia also chairs Teach First, whose mission is to address educational disadvantage by transforming exceptional graduates into effective, inspirational teachers and leaders in all fields.

"Julia is a Governor of Henley Management College and is a patron of both the Helena Kennedy Bursary scheme and Volunteer Reading Help and an Ambassador for the World Wildlife Fund. Julia has a Cambridge degree and also has honorary degrees from the University of Warwick and Harper Adams University." [1]

"Dame Julia Cleverdon is a Vice President of Business in the Community, a unique movement of 750 companies across the UK committed to improving continually their positive impact on society and a Special Adviser to The Prince's Charities on responsible business practice. ... Julia is Chair of Teach First, whose mission is to address educational disadvantage by transforming exceptional graduates into effective, inspirational teachers and leaders in all fields. She also sits on the Carillion Sustainability Board, chairs RWE NPower’s Corporate Responsibility Committeen and an Ambassador for the World Wildlife Fund and chairs the Newnham Advisory Board."[2]


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  1. Steering Committee, Prince's Rainforests Project, accessed February 26, 2009.
  2. Family and Parenting Institute Ambassadors, organizational web page, accessed October 14, 2012.
  3. Teach First PEople, organizational web page, accessed July 16, 2012.
  4. Transformation Trust Trustees, organizational web page, accessed August 30, 2012.
  5. People, National Citizen Service, accessed February 23, 2015.
  6. Helena Kennedy Foundation People, organizational web page, accessed May 24, 2013.
  7. Employee Ownership Association Vice-Presidents, organizational web page, accessed October 9, 2013.
  8. National Council of Voluntary Organisations Trustees, organizational web page, accessed October 9, 2013.
  9. Opportunity Now Leadership Team, organizational web page, accessed November 14, 2013.
  10. gov.uk About, organizational web page, accessed August 13, 2018.