Vala Ragnarsdottir

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Biographical Information

Professor Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir "is the Dean of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland. She was a Professor of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Bristol, UK until 2008. Educated in geochemistry at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík (BSc) and at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (MS, PhD) she changed her focus a decade ago from Earth Sciences to cross-disciplinary Sustainability Science. From 2005-2008 she engaged with the citizens of Bristol in a series of Sustainability Café discussions to envision a sustainable city, and the outcomes of these conversations underpin many of the green actions in the city to this day. Vala was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Framework 7 Environment Programme from 2006-2008, is a member of grant research panels for the EC (Brussels), NERC (UK), NSF (USA) and ESA (Netherlands) a past Director of the Geochemical Society, a member of the Board of the European Association for Geochemistry and the Geological Society of Great Britain and is a current Guest Editor of Solutions. She was the chair of the Schumacher Society and is a Scientific Adviser to Health Empowerment Through Nutrition and a Trustee of the Ecological Sequestration Trust. Her current research pertains to sustainability in its widest context including nature protection, economics, society and wellbeing. " [1]

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  1. Treesisters About, organizational web page, accessed February 29, 2012.
  2. Balaton Group People, organizational web page, accessed June 18, 2013.