Marilyn Mandala Schlitz

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{{#badges:stub}} Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, "is President and CEO of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. As a scientist and anthropologist, she has pioneered clinical, laboratory, and field-based research in the areas of consciousness, human transformation and healing. A researcher, speaker, change consultant, and writer, Marilyn's books include: Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life (co-authored with Cassandra Vieten and Tina Amorok) and Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind Body Medicine(co-authored with Tina Amorok and Mark Micozzi)." [1]

Early Research Positions CV

  • Research Associate and Project Director, Mind Science Foundation. Responsibilities included research, administration, public speaking, and fundraising. (1982-1992).
  • Research Consultant, Stanford Research Institute, International. Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team investigating anomalous cognition. (1981-82).
  • Research Fellow, Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man/Institute for Parapsychology. Research, teaching, and public speaking. Research included quantitative and qualitative approaches to anomalous cognition. (1980-1982).
  • Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Wayne State University. Conduct experiments on anomalous information transfer. (1977).
  • Research Assistant, Department of Geology, Wayne State University. Counting sedimentation samples for oceanography study. (1976-1977).

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  1. Marilyn Mandala Schlitz Bio, organizational web page, accessed February 10, 2012.
  2. Global Coherence Initiative Boards, organizational web page, accessed July 14, 2013.
  3. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing Editorial Board, organizational web page, accessed July 19, 2013.
  4. Consciousness and Healing Initiative About, organizational web page, accessed October 19, 2017.