Michael Cox (UK)

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Biographical Information

"Professor Michael Cox has held appointments at The Queen's University of Belfast (1972-1995), California State University at San Diego (1986), The College of William and Mary in Virginia (1987-1989), the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth (1995-2001), The Catholic University of Milan (2003-2008), the University of Melbourne (2004-2005), and the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies in Canberra, Australia (2004-2008). He was appointed to a Chair in International Relations at the London School of Economics in 2003.

"Professor Cox is also Chair of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). In addition, he has served on the Executive Committee of the British International Studies Association and The Irish National Committee for the Study of International Affairs. More recently he was appointed Director of the Cold War Studies Centre at LSE, and in 2007 Director of IDEAS at the LSE, a Centre for the Study of Diplomacy and Strategy. He is also an associate research fellow at Chatham House, London, and between 2001 and 2002 was Director of the David Davies Memorial Institute for the Study of International Politics. In 2002 and 2007 he was appointed a Research Fellow at the prestigious Nobel Institute in Oslo, and in 2003 Chair of the United States Discussion Group at the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In 2007 Professor Michael Cox became an Associate Fellow on the Transatlantic Programme at The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Whitehall. He has also taught and is an alumnus of the Salzburg Seminar, Austria." [1]

Recent Publications

  • Cox, Michael (2011) Fred Halliday, Marxism and the Cold War. International Affairs, 8(5), pp.1107-1122.
  • Cox, Michael (2011) Power Shift and the Death of the West? Not Yet!. European Political Science, 10(3), pp.416-424.
  • Cox, Michael (2011) The uses and abuses of history: The end of the Cold War and Soviet collapse.International Politics, 48(4-5), pp.627-646.
  • Cox, Michael (2010) E.H. Carr and the Crisis of Twentieth-Century Liberalism: Reflections and Lessons. Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 38(3), pp.523-533.
  • Inderjeet Parmar and Cox, Michael, (eds.) (2009) Soft power and US foreign policy: theoretical, historical and contemporary perspectives. Routledge, London.

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  1. LSE IDEAS Michael Cox (UK), organizational web page, accessed April 12, 2012.