Motiva Enterprises
Motiva Enterprises LLC is a company which operates oil refineries and which sells refined oil. It operates in the southeastern United States. It is owned by Saudi Refining, Inc., a subsidiary of Aramco Services Company, and Shell Oil.
Motiva paid record fines [1] for continual environmental pollution from one of its Delaware refineries. A 2001 sulfuric acid tank explosion killed one person, and the subsequent acid spill did massive environmental damage. Motiva sold the refinery to Premcor in 2004 for $800 million.
Motiva is a rather small refinery operation, only 5th in the country, consisting of three refineries in the southeast United States.
- the Convent Refinery, in Baton Rouge, LA.
- the Norco refinery, west of New Orleans
- the Port Arthur refinery, located on the Gulf Coast
Contact Info
Motiva Enterprises LLC
700 Milam Street
Houston, TX 77002
Other Sources
1. Montgomery, Jeff; States Deal With Motiva Criticised, Delaware News Journal 1/8/2002