Nick Carter (UK)

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Biographical Information

"Nick is a former editor and director of the Leicester Mercury and a consultant in media, communication and cohesion. Nick spent 34 years in the media business, 22 of them editing major regional titles. He has a joint honours degree in History and Politics from Warwick University. In 2001 he started what is now the Leicester Multicultural Advisory Group, comprised of senior figures from all communities who meet to consider and advise on diversity issues. He is currently chair of that group. He is also a member of the advisory board for Common Purpose, Leicestershire and a member of Leicestershire Business Council. He is an emeritus member of the Society of Editors and serves on its Parliamentary and Legal Committee, which he chaired between 1997 and 1999. He also served on the Home Office Media Practitioners Group. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. He lives in the centre of Leicester."[1]

Worked with Media Diversity Institute at conferences and seminars for media decision makers in London (2004 & 2010), Vienna (2005), Prague (2009), Rabat (2009), Bucharest (2010), London.


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  1. prospectleicestershire Catched page, organizational web page, accessed April 30, 2013.
  2. Leicester Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Board, organizational web page, accessed February 15, 2016.