PM's Action Plans (Doc Index)

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This stub is a work-in-progress by the journalists's group. We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number. You can search on names for other documents also.     Send any corrections or additions to

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Philip Morris created and ran a large number of action plans -- some for a national subsidiary, and others on a global scale. They did this over many years -- mainly because they thought the other American tobacco companies lacked the necessary resolve, and because they thought the Tobacco Institute was weak.

These were much more than just large-scale brainstorming sessions. From these original in-house conferences, they emerged with a comprehensive list of possible activities, and followed this up with a series of agendas which were parcelled out to various group. These groups reported back on a regular basis.

Operation Downunder

Operation Downunder was created by the Australian CEO Bill Murray

Boca Ration Action Plan

The Boca Raton Action Plan was created by Murray's Australian friend and subsequent PM CEO Geoffrey C Bible