Paul Farmer (UK)

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Biographical Information

"Paul has been Chief Executive of Mind, the leading mental health charity working in England and Wales since May 2006.

"Paul is Chair of the Disabilities Charities Consortium, Vice-Chair of the Department of Health Talking Therapies Programme Board and Chair of the Equalities and Diversity Forum panel on human rights.

"Paul is a trustee at the Mental Health Providers Forum, an umbrella body for voluntary organisations supporting people with mental distress. He was a trustee for the Directory of Social Change, a campaigning voluntary organisation that provides the sector with training and publications.

"Before becoming Chief Executive of Mind, Paul was Director of Public Affairs for Rethink and was Chair of the Mental Health Alliance from 2001-2006."[1]

"Paul is a member of the NHS Futures Forum, and the Harrington Review of the Work Capability Assessment. He is Chair of the Disabilities Charities Consortium, and Vice-Chair of the Talking Therapies Programme Board. He is also a member of the Centre for Social Justice Mental Health Inquiry and member of the BBC’s Appeals Advisory Committee." [2]

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  1. Mind Staff, organizational web page, accessed June 28, 2012.
  2. Mental Health Providers Forum Paul Farmer, organizational web page, accessed June 28, 2012.