Peter Davis (Leicester University)

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Biographical Information

"Dr Davis has conducted research leading to the publication of four books, translated variously into Spanish, Russian, and Greek. He has seven chapters in six other books, and many refereed journal papers. He has made presentations as either keynote or plenary speaker or chair at ten international conferences since 2005. He has developed with DFiD and Barrow Cadbury Trust funding over a dozen co-operative management short course programmes that have been delivered variously in Africa, the Middle East and Asia and New Zealand, in addition to modules for PGC, and Masters in Co-operative and Credit Union Management programmes. His work in critiquing HRM, Intellectual Capital and Learning Organisation Theories in the Co-operative Context was published by the ILO Co-operative Branch in 2004 and led to Chartered Fellow status by the UK Charted Institute of Personnel Development in the UK. He has worked as a consultant and trainer for the World Council of Credit Unions, Asia Confederation of Credit Unions, the International Co-operative Alliance Americas, Africa and Asia Pacific Regions, The United Nations Anti-Poverty Unit, and the ILO. He was the 2005 Rabobank Fellow in Co-operative Agribusiness, Monash University Programme. Dr Davis is currently a visiting lecturer at the Nyenrode Business Universiteit Executive MBA programme in the Netherlands and a special advisor to the ICA Geneva, Global HRD Committee."[1]

Dr Peter Davis is an Honorary Visiting Fellow in the School of Management at Leicester University.


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  1. Leicester University Peter Davis, organizational web page, accessed June 4, 2013.
  2. Journal of Co-operative Studies Editorial Board, organizational web page, accessed June 4, 2013.