Portal:Financial Crisis/Total Wall Street Bailout Cost
The unique number in our Financial Crisis Tracker is the "Wall Street Bailout" total, which highlights the actual taxpayer dollars that have been disbursed in support of the financial sector. In calculating this number, our focus is on direct and indirect support to financial institutions that had a role in causing the financial crisis. Included in our tally is the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) of the U.S. Treasury as well as the flow of funds under dozens of different Federal Reserve programs, and supports to federal housing institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that primarily assist banks. Unlike other bailout tallies, we do not include economic stimulus funds, unemployment insurance, student loan aid, the auto bailout, "Cash for Clunkers" or other efforts to create jobs or assist the citizenry.
Learn more about the 35 programs included in our tally by visiting our Total Wall Street Bailout Cost Table which contains links to pages on each program with details about the program funds disbursed and outstanding.