Richard Davies (UK)

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Biographical Information

"Richard is a Registered Commissioner at the IPC. He was a Board Director at the Welsh Assembly Government for most of the last decade, and was latterly Head of the Department for Public Services and Performance there. After joining the Welsh Office in 1984, he headed health, housing, social services, and school divisions. For a number of years he led the Assembly Government Department for Education and Training. Before that he worked in several Departments in Whitehall and overseas, including the MoD; FCO; MPO/Cabinet Office and the NIO. Richard has advisory, non executive and lay roles variously with the British Council; the GMC(UK); the Solicitors Regulation Authority; the GPhC; and the RICS. He was a Nuffield Leverhulme Fellow in 1990 and was a Visiting Professor at the University of Glamorgan. He is a trustee of Carnegie(UK), and until recently was on the Board at Regent's College London."[1]


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  1. Nationwide Foundation Trustees, organizational web page, accessed October 13, 2012.