Robert S McIntyre

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This stub is a work-in-progress by the journalists's group. We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number. You can search on names for other documents also.     Send any corrections or additions to

{{#badges: tobaccowiki}}

Bob McIntyre was both a professional corporate lobbyist and a political lobbyist/strategist on the side of the Democrats. He was the director of Federal Tax Policy for the union-based Citizens for Tax Justice, and later joined forces with David Wilhelm to run the CTJ. He also had a close relationship with Washington DC's public service commissioner, Ed Meyers, who also joined their group. These aides and campaign organisers formed a coterie of political manipulators at the top of Democratic Party which had enormous effect in the administration of President Bill Clinton.

The CTJ was one of the more legitimate advocacy think-tanks which developed considerable expertise in analysing the complexities of the US tax code with its hidden subsidies and other corporate benefits.

Along with Wilhelm and another associate Mike Lux, Bob McIntryre was also a member of the tobacco industry's [[Labor Management Committee (LMC) which provided the Tobacco Institute with a way to directly influence this side of the political spectrum.

David Wilhelm,Mike Lux & Bob McIntyre worked with Democrat associates to found many think-tanks:
Michael Lux - David C Wilhelm
David Senter (AAM)
The Strategy Group - Progressive Strategies
AFL-CIO - WLK Associates
Tobacco operations:
Citizens for Tax Justice
Labor Management Committee
James Savarese - Susan Stuntz
Documents/think-tanks, etc.
Wilhelm/Lux (Doc Index)

Documents & Timeline

1984 Aug 2 Jim Savarese writes to Peter Sparber at the Tobacco Institute RE the Federal Excise Taxes project. He maintains that cigarette taxes are likely to be increased with the New Congress and suggests pre-emptive activities:.

In order to make cigarette taxes a less desirable option for policymakers, it is important for the industry to enlist new allies in order to influence key members of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee, especially those members that have not been friendly in the past.

He wants them to sponsor some faux-forums on such subjects as "Financing Medicare" (etc.) in key states and congressional districts with labor experts and academics who will articulate the industry position.

The main allies, speaker and lobbyists-for-hire would be;

  • Arthur Flemming, former HEW Secretary under Eisenhower.
  • Wilbur Cohen, former HEW Secretary under Johnson,
  • Ray Marshall, former Labor Secretary,
  • Bob Mclntyre, Director of Federal Tax Policy for the Citizens for Tax Justice. Mclntyre is prepared to sit down with a representative from TI to discuss specific sections of the study to see whether there might be common interests in the findings.
  • [Economist] Peter Gray, Director of the School of Administrative Sciences at Rutgers, is an economist who has done work for the industry in the past. Gray may be the logical choice to serve as host for the conference and his paper could attack consumption taxes from a conservative, pro-business perspective.
  • [Chicago symposium] Professor Robert Eisner (Northwestern University) , is the most vocal, and extremely credible, proponent of the notion that the current deficit, if properly defined, is not too large.

    If we could get Eisner to agree to participate, we could work with some University sponsoring agent at either Northwestern or the University of Chicago (Roger Kormendi, a professor in the Business School, worked for us on the Treasury Project).

    A well-known economist, perhaps Eisner, should be engaged to produce a "think piece" for a major newspaper which condenses the arguments made during the symposium.


1984 Sep

1984 Sep:. The tobacco industry's Labor Management Committee (TILMC or LMC) was said to have been created by six unions associated with workers in the cigarette factories; in the sale and distribution of cigarettes; and in the sale, installation and maintenance of office and factory airconditioning systems (HVAC). There was also one air-duct contractor's association which benefited from 'curing sick-buildings'.

The entire funding and control of the LMC was through the Tobacco Institute. However executives and top-staff of the AFL-CIO, the Citizens for Tax Justice, the National Energy Management Institute (NEMI) and a couple of unions had considerable influence through being also paid 'consultants' to the Tobacco Institute via the LMC.

1984 Sep 6 The first Ogilvy & Mather Monthly Activities Report to the Tobacco Institute on the Labor Management Committee (by Patricia Milita) shows that they already have a number of labor-oriented activities:

  • numerous activities with Al Vogel (A workplace efficiency consultant who also ran Response Analysis Corporation.)
  • Arranged and attended a meeting with Steve Schlossberg, from the law firm of Zwerdling Schlossberg Leibig and Kahn. (Became a regular witness for TI)
  • meeting with Bob McIntyre, the legislative director for Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) and also the director Dean Tipps)
  • Participated in the first meeting of the Tobacco Industry Labor Management Committee and prepared the minutes.
  • Began to identify possible minority consultants; one for the long-term and one to write an article criticizing the discrimination inherent in William Weis's work.
    Weis was an anti-smoking activist who said smokers' cost companies in sickness and lost productivity.
  • Hired Roger C Kormendi to prepare testimony for submission to the Senate Finance Committee.
    Kormendi was an Associate Professor of Economics University of Chicago and Director of Research Mid-America Institute for Public Policy Research
  • Researched and wrote background information on Paul Craig Robers. Participated in two meetings with him to discuss possible consulting arrangement with The Institute.
    Craig was with the US Chamber Foundation. in return for TI support of Foundation activities, they agreed to sponsor Craig Roberts' writing and placing of occasional articles including a discussion or mention of the excise tax issue.


1984 Oct The Labor Management Committee name was being used by the Bakery Confectionery and Tobacco Workers Union in ads in The Nation. Also in later copies (Jan 1985) of Roll Call, to welcome the new member of the 99th Congress. [4]

1985 Mar 11 the Tobacco Institute has a cutting from some newsletter:

Everyone is concerned about the use of tobacco, particularly the 30,000 members of the Bakery, Confectionery & Tobacco Workers. The adverse publicity on the tobacco industry threatens their livelihood.

But, they, like everyone else, are concerned that the use of tobacco products be left to adults who are capable of making informed, balanced decisions. "Quite frankly, our members and the officers of this union firmly believe that no one under 18 should smoke. Period," said John DeConcini, BC&T president. The Tobacco Institute also agrees and is beginning a campaign in cooperation with the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) by sponsoring a booklet entitled "Helping Youth Decide." It is directed at parents to help them guide their children in the difficult task of learning to make decisions concerning their health.

In addition, the newly-formed Tobacco Industry Labor Management Committee , composed of labor and industry representatives, is sponsoring ads in five national magazines headlined, "We're the Tobacco Industry, Too."
      The advertisement points out the tobacco workers were active in supporting health care for the elderly, rallied in support of Social Security, fought to save the food stamp program and were part of the Solidarity Day March.

[Gee! They must be community minded!] [5]

1985 Apr 10 Bill Kloepfer advises Sam Chilcote at the Tobacco Institute on the availability of witnesses at an upcoming Tax Hearing in Congress:

  1. Frank Sloan, health finance expert, has no interest in participating in any hearing on earmarking. His alternate will be C4C Economist C. M [Matt]. Lindsay of Clemson, an expert in health economics who has been developed for this type of hearing.
  2. Robert Tollison, economist of George Mason, is available. (head of the Cash for Comments Economists Network)
  3. We have not yet reached the AFL-CIO, but will, and we assume labor testimony will come from the AFL-CIO's department of legislation or department of food and beverage unions.
  4. Citizens for Tax Justice will be available with Robert Mclntyre or Dean Tipps as the most likely witness,
  5. We will be in touch promptly with the U.S. Chamber seeking a live witness (hopefully, Richard Rahn or [P Craig Roberts|Craig Roberts]]) and with NAM [ Nat. Association of Manufacturers] to secure a statement, at the least.


1985 May 29 William Kloepfer (PR) to Sam Chilcote (Pres.) at the Tobacco Institute: They now have confirmed witnesses for the

  • Rangel Hearing (June 6) on tax burdens for low income wage earners
  • Stark Hearing (cigarette excise)
    1. Cotton Mather Lindsay (C4C), a Clemson economics professor, has received extensive briefing and material, including OTA draft. He is now preparing to collaborate with O&M on a statement. We expect it to run about 10 pages and be completed in approximately seven working days from go-ahead signal. We'll ask him to proceed this week. Lindsay is available for dress rehearsal session in Washington.
    2. Robert Mclntyre , director of federal tax programs, Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) , will testify from liberal-labor perspective. Again, drafting can begin immediately with a seven-day turnaround. We will try this week to get him started on a draft.
    3. Others including labor movement, LULAC, Veterans, etc. [See]
    This project has proven to be more successful than expected -- and popular with both the media and the authors. So far, sixteen op-ed pieces of twenty-three submitted have either appeared or have been accepted for publication. That's a 700 batting average! We're looking for almost all of our 42 economists to participate. In addition to sending the article to the major newspaper in their region, the economists also copy their Member of the House and/or Senate tax writing committee, as appropriate. Attached is a tabulation of media and Congressional coverage, as well as clippings and copies of Hill response. We are providing these to Federal Relations now for possible Congressional Record inserts.


1985 Sep 6 Bob McIntyre was recruited by Jim Savarese (then with Ogilvy & Mather) to work for the Tobacco Institute. O&M were handling the "CTJ's newest report" [8]

1986 A document/speech from the Labor Managment Committee (c 1986) outlines the work experience of their administrative team:

  • James (Jim) Savarese:
    Jim has 10 years of experience with the public employee union AFSCME, first as Director of Public Policy and then as Executive Assistant to the President. He is currently, President of James Savarese and Associates, an economic consulting firm, headquartered in Washington.
          [Savarese, Bob Tollison and Leslie Dawson also ran the cash-for-comments economists network for the Tobacco Institute.]
  • John Jarvis:
    John is President of The Jarvis Company; a Washington-based lobbying firm. He was previously Legislative Director of the United Mine Workers for 6 years.
    [He joined forces with Bob McGlotten, the Director of Legislation, AFL-CIO]
  • Mike Forscey:
    Mike served as associate general counsel to the Machinists, then as general counsel to the Senate Labor Committee under Senator Kennedy. He is currently with the law firm of Wunder and Diefenderfer.
  • Leslie Dawson:
    Leslie has 10 years of legislative and political experience in Texas and Washington. She most recently worked as Labor Liaison for Congress Charles Wilson of Texas and is currently Vice President of Savarese and Associates. [Also wife of Sam Dawson the political director of the United Steel Workers Association]
  • Richard Marcus:
    Richard is an attorney with legislative experience in both the U.S. House and Senate. He is currently a vice president of Ogilvy & Mather Public Affairs.
  • Tom Donahue:
    Tom has served as a staff-assistant to Senator Kennedy; as well as assistant to the International President of the Bricklayers Union. He is currently with the public relations firm of Ogilvy & Mather.
    Tom is also the son of AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Thomas R. Donahue . He adds particular credibility to the Committee's efforts.
  • Harry Kaiser:
    Harry served as Press Secretary and Special Assistant to the Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur of Ohio for six years. Prior to that, he was a staff assistant at the Food and Allied Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO. He is currently with the public relations firm of Ogilvy & Mather.
  • Wes Lane:
    Wes has recently been hired as a labor lobbyist in Minnesota. He is with the Teamsters Union and serves as Director of the DRIVE (the Teamsters PAC).

The coalition that has been built provides a unique and invaluable link to organized labor and its potential resources. The Institute, through the Committee, has the capacity to tap an enormous number of political allies throughout the country; allies who are loyal to their organizations and reliable.


1987 Jan 14 The Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) and the Tobacco Institute (with the help of Rich Marcus of Ogilvy & Mather) are jointly running a conference. They want help in turning out people from the CART (tobacco's sports sponsorship group ), TRAC (Tax research Analysis Center) and labor unions, Corporations, Trade associations etc.

  • Bruce Fisher (research director of CTJ) is an organiser

Speakers are:

  • Bob McIntyre Director of Federal Tax Policy, CTJ
  • David Wilhelm, Exec Director of CTJ
  • Linda Tarr-Whelan, Exec Dir of National Center for Policy Alternatives, (author of ACIR study)
  • Barry Bosworth, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
  • Jerome Kurtz, former commissioner, IRS
  • Robert Leonard, former commissioner, IRS
  • Jeffrey Nedelman, VP Public Affairs, Grocery Manufacturers Association
  • John Sweeney, President, Service Employees International Union
  • Robert Friedman, President, Corporation for Enterprise Development


1987 Sep 15 Agenda for the Tobacco Institute's "College of Tobacco Knowledge" which trains industry disinformation staff in how to counter industry attacks. This person is a lecturer/speaker. Exec Dir, Citizens for Tax Justice [11]

1988 Apr 12 Corporate for Enterprise Development Press Release "A Development Report Card for Every State" There is nothing noteworthy about the project team or the study, but it lists an extensive "Advisory Board" of academics along with corporate and union flacks [truncated list here]:

  • Harold Hovey, State Policy Research, Inc;
  • Ira Magaziner , Telesis Corporation; [Hillary Clinton's guru]
  • Roger Vaughan, Roger Vaughan & Associates;
  • Arnie Anderson , AFGE; [also LMC]
  • Al Bilik , Public Employee Department, AFL-CIO; [also LMC]
  • Pat Choate , TRW; [think-tank strategist]
  • Peggy Connerton, SEIU;
  • Wesley Creel, Creel-Morrell, Inc.;
  • William Dennis, National Federation of Independent Business;
  • Lydia Fisher, UAW;
  • R. Scott Fosler, Committee for Economic Development;
  • Jewell Gould, American Federation of Teachers;
  • Dick Greenwood, IAM;
  • George Kohl, CWA;
  • Ethan Landis, Building Trades;
  • Iris Lav, AFSCME;
  • Larry Mishel , lUD; [also LMC]

Their paid consultants consisted of:

  • Beth Siegel, Karl Seidman, Richard Kazis, Seth Evans and Shaun McNally of Mt. Auburn Associates
  • David Wilhelm, Robert McIntyre, Bruce Fisher, John Anzalone, Edward Meyers, Jeff Spinner , of Citizens for Tar Justice ;. [also LMC]
  • Fritz Wiecking and Arthur Lyons, Institute for Taxation and Economy Policy . [also LMC]
  • Peter Bearse, Development Strategies Corporation;
  • Richard Freeman, Harvard University;
  • Jeffrey Hallett, TRAC, Inc.


[This illustrates how easily a (probably) genuine study can be subject to influences from inustries like tobacco.]

1988 Apr 28 Sam Chilcote of the Tobacco Institute praises the work of David Wilhelm and Robert S McIntyre's Citizens for Tax Justice and the Labor Management Committee (LMC). He encloses news clippings of stories they have generated.

1988 Sep 14 (end of Reagan's second term) "Weekly Report on Deficit Reduction Conference" to the Ogilvy & Mather group working for the Tobacco Institute. [Savarese, Leslie Dawson, Bob McIntrye and David Wilhelm (CTJ) etc] It's a one-day conference on December 7 at the Hyatt Regency, Washington. They are planning a press conference, "realizing that the 'spin' will be significantly affected by the outcome of the election." The speakers will be

  • Jeff Faux , Economic Policy Institute (EPI)
  • Bob McIntyre , Dir. Federal Tax Policy, Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ)
  • Jane Gravelle , CRS Senior Specialist in Economic Policy
  • Rep Charles Rangel, Senator George Mitchell and Senator Conrad
  • David Brockway, Bernard (Bob) Shapiro both ex Chief-of-Staff, Joint Committee on Taxation
  • A number of ex IRS Commissioners


1989 Feb 6 Ogilvy & Mather report to Susan Stuntz at the Tobacco Institute on their current projects (with Jim Savarese) in opposing excise tax increases.

  • Leadership for the New Century
        Following a conference they are writing a White Paper to be distributed to Congress and the labor unions
  • American Agricultural Movement
        With Savarese they are writing an economic impact paper on excise taxes + brochures, briefings and media report; also a State Fair plan in 18 states; article in the AAM Reporter attacking excise taxes; planned mailing to 10,000 names from AAM list.
  • Economic Policy Institute
        They have two reports ready for release in early 1989 -- promoting progressive taxes as alternative to cigarette excises. Also an anti-excise study by Professor Richard Musgrave.
  • Citzens for Tax Justice
        New report on progressive revenues due in next two months. O&M will work with CTJ on promoting these. Also a Minnesota report in early February.
  • Public Employees Division (AFL-CIO)
        An extra 5000 copies of White paper are being printed for distribution to State newspapers; legislators, etc.


1989 Oct Robert McIntyre , as Executive Director for the Citizens for Tax Justice was reported as serving the Tobacco Institute by:

Press conference for release of corporate "freeloaders" report

See page 18 - 19 [15]

1989100t 1989 Oct to 1 990 July He wrote op-ed or gave witness for the Tobacco Insittute. Giving press conferences, testifying, op-eds, [16]

James Spector is looking for speakers. Josh Slavitt recommends Bob McIntyre of CTJ or Grover Norquist of ATR or Victor Schwartz of HH/PK (??what is this??) 2070122109

1989 Dec 7 The Tobacco Institute's Public Affairs Division report for the Board of Directors.

As you all know, most public opinion polls show overwhelming support for excise taxes. We believe, however, that an educated public — a public that is aware of the unfair nature of excises and that is given alternatives — will oppose excises.

The purpose of our ad campaign will be to test that theory... using pre and post public opinion polls in our six test markets. Armed with the poll results and the ads the Consumer Tax Alliance will go to the Democrats in Congress to demonstrate that public opinion can be moved on the issue... and that excises should not be considered the easy target many have suggested. These ads are just the first round in a barrage of anti-excise tax messages we have planned for the first quarter of next year... and that we will build on throughout the year at the federal level as well as in the states. In late January the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank that publishes a variety of Brookings Institute- type reports on public policy issues, plans a conference in Washington on consumption taxes. Academic economists from throughout the country will be invited to the day-long session, along with economic reporters, congressional staff and members of tax- writing committees. EPI has asked for the Labor Management Committee's help in promoting the conference, which will include a separate panel on consumer excise taxes. As the EPI outlines the problems with consumer excise taxes ...Citizens for Tax Justice is prepared to weigh in with its list of progressive revenue raising alternatives. CTJ remains a key player in Washington in support of progressive tax policy. Director Bob Mcintyre is a popular source for op-eds, for television sound bites, and for newspaper quotes on the liberal tax agenda. The organization has a strong voice on the Hill...especially with such members as Byron Dorgan and Tom Daschle. Equally important, however, is CTJ's role in identifying acceptable tax alternatives for organized labor and the rest of the liberal community.

CTJ also gives us access to tax reform groups that can help us with excise tax battles in such key states as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois And Washington.


1990 McIntyre was closely associated with Bruce Fisher, the CTJ's research director for six years.

1990 Feb Robert McIntyre , as Executive Director for the Citizens for Tax Justice was reported as serving the Tobacco Institute by:

Testified before the House Ways & Means Committee on the Tax Reform Act of 1986

See page 18 - 19 [18]

1990 Mar Robert McIntyre , as Executive Director for the Citizens for Tax Justice was reported as serving the Tobacco Institute by:

Press conference in Washington, D.C., on Capitol Hill. Appeared with Rep. Gephardt and 11 other Members calling for progressive federal tax policy, Press conference in Washington, D.C., in response to Rostenkowski revenue plan

See page 18 - 19 [19]

1990 Mar 9 The Tobacco Institute newsletter "Executive Summary" contains an item:

At a press conference this week in Washington, D.C., Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) Director Robert Mclntyre responded to Ways & Means Chairman Rostenkowskfs deficit reduction plan. Mclntyre presented an analysis of the chairman's proposal explaining that several of the initiatives will place an enormous burden on average taxpayers. CTJ also offered a list of alternative revenue options.

A later May 25 newsletter in the bundle says:

Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) this week hosted about 125 congressional and think tank policy-makers at a "Growth & Equity: Tax Policy Challenges for the 1990s" conference. Sessions on tax progressivity, consumption taxes and communicating about taxes featured speakers such as Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ), making a strong case for progressive taxation; Rep. Byron Dorgan (D-ND); CTJ Executive Director Bob McIntyre; AFL-CIO Legislative Director Robert McGlotten; and David Brockway, former chief of staff to the Joint Committee on Taxation, The proceedings of the conference will be published and distributed on Capitol Hill,


1990 Apr The monthly Tobacco Institute report for March from Carol Hrycaj who is in charge of the issues surrounding Excise Taxes, says

The consulting economist's excise tax/"user fee" op-ed program continues to generate results. We reviewed several draft articles and returned them to the authors for placement. Published articles in March include: Dwight Lee , Macon Telegraph and News; Michael Babcock , The Topeka Capital-Journal: and Clifford Dobitz , the Grand Forks Herald.

Other de facto members of the network were David Wilhelm and Bob McIntyre, both of Citizens for Tax Justice who seem to have become a full-time contractor for the Tobacco Institute. Hrycaj reports:

David Wilhelm and Bob McIntyre were among the participants at the California Congress of Seniors' (CCS) annual conference. In two workshops on fair tax policy (characterized as "extremely interactive"), Wilhelm discussed the concepts of progressivity and regressivity; he encouraged attendees to oppose unfair taxes. McIntyre delivered a luncheon address during which he reiterated opposition to elements of Rostenkowski's plan that would increase the burden on working families.


1990 May The LMC and the Citizens for Tax Justice are running a conference on "tax fairness"

1990 May Robert McIntyre , as Executive Director for the Citizens for Tax Justice was reported as serving the Tobacco Institute by:

One-day conference in Washington, D.C., "Growth and Equity: Tax Policy Challenges in the 1990s"

Op-ed published in the New York Times

Progressive federal tax policy options discussed in Party Lines

See page 18 - 19 [22]

1990 Jun TI Communications Activity Report of 461 pages has him as an ally on

Page 79. It says he is

Director of Citizens for Tax Justice which receives most of its funding from labor and public-interest groups.

Also quotes is Bruce Fisher, research director for CTJ [23]

1990 Jul Robert McIntyre , as Executive Director for the Citizens for Tax Justice was reported as serving the Tobacco Institute by:

Press event in Washington, D.C., on progressive S&L tax option

See page 18 - 19 [24]

1990 Aug 3 Sam Chilcote at the Tobacco Institute has advised the Members of the Executive Committee of plans to develop a celebrity speakers program using academics and other expert consultants. There are offer the speakers both money and personal promotion:

[W]hile it is clear that there are a number of individuals who can and are speaking out on our issues independent of The Institute, there also is much more that could be done. There are, for example, opportunities to develop higher profiles for those individuals with whom we enjoy an existing relationship, and to increase within the media an awareness of their availability.

There also are a number of individuals who have been identified who do not currently have a relationship with the industry, but whose views appear to be compatible with our own. Should the Executive Committee decide that it wants to proceed with an expansion of our speakers' program, these individuals would be contacted to determine their interest in our issues.

The addition of new speakers to our program will be expensive. Most of these individuals command substantial consulting fees; media and other activity will require a new commitment of funds, although an exact amount cannot be determined until candidates have been approached.

He then lists:

  • Authors, newscasters and newspaper columnists
  • Well-known politicians, political aides, White House staffers, State authorities, agency administrators, etc
  • Heads of various coalition groups (American Advertising Federation. etc)
  • Cash-for-comments legal and business academics from Savarese's network list.
  • Cash-for-comments 'risk assessment' academics and promoter.
  • Cash-for-comment experts in indoor air pollution and ventilation systems.
  • Cash-for-comment academic economists
  • Many other collaborators and some likely allies:

This person along with about a hundred others, is thought to be a potential speaker and is credited with recent achievements on behalf of the Tobacco Institute. The category heading was

Allies and Coaltion Groups:
Robert Mclntyre
Executive Director
Citizens for Tax Justice
10/89 Press conference for release of corporate "freeloaders" report
2/90 Testified before the House Ways & Means Committee on the Tax Reform Act of 1986
3/90 Press conference in Washington, D.C., on Capitol Hill. Appeared with Rep. Gephardt and 11 other Members calling for progressive federal tax policy
Press conference in Washington, D.C., in response to Rostenkowski revenue plan
5/90 One-day conference in Washington, D.C., "Growth and Equity: Tax Policy Challenges in the 1990s" Op-ed published in the New York Times
Progressive federal tax policy options discussed in Party Lines
7/90 Press event in Washington, D.C., on progressive S&L tax option


1990 Oct 23 the LMC has just released a book "Growth & Equality: Tax Policy Challenges for the 199o's" (by Bruce Fisher and Robert McIntyre) which were the edited proceedings of a conference run by the LMC and Citizens for Tax Justice in May. They got Bill Bradley to present it on the Hill, and a copy will be sent to every major media outlet and every member of Congress. [26]

1991 Jan 25 Bob McIntyre was at a Tobacco Industry Labor Management Committee meeting in Washington, representing the Citizens for Tax Justice. Note the Jim Savarese ran the meeting. [27]

1992 May 18 Philip Morris, Issues Management Weekly. Report

On 5/12, K. Chaikin and me [Lance Pressl] met with Bob McIntyre of CTJ [Citizens for Tax Justice]. Part of our discussion focused on CTJ's (most likely Mclntyre's) position on the broad issue of universal healthcare and the organization's willingness to sponsor a study that would dissect costs on the social security and healthcare systems. Potential problem--they favor universal healthcare. Also, the study idea was not accepted. Another group will be solicited and selected by 5/31/92. Probably, a new group run by Duane Parde formerly of ALEC. This information has been shared with D. Nicoli of our Washington office .


1992 Oct 15 Memo from James Carey and Richard Marcus (OA&R) to Martin Gleason at the Tobacco Institute.

Status Report on Open Seats Project
The intent of this memo is to update you on progress of the Open Seat project in the past three months.

As we agreed, the goals of the program are to educate potential new Members of Congress about the need for a fair tax system, to position Labor Management Committee (LMC) allies as credible resources on the fair tax issue and to encourage new Members of Congress to support a progressive tax system.
[As distinct from relying on excise taxes to boost the budget.] We established these goals in the context of the record number of resignations and retirements in Congress this year. We estimate there are 91 House seats to be filled by Open Seats candidates, and believed it was important to reach these new Members with our message as they develop their positions to carry to Washington. While many of the candidates have been exposed to elements of the tax issue, the, most. effective way to educate the potential Members of Congress and to reinforce our specific messages is by orchestrating this communication through allies not directly tied to the issue.
[Using lobbyists not openly employeed by the tobacco industry.]

In the past several months, we have enlisted a number of coalition groups, consultants and political allies to serve as third party spokespeople to deliver our messages directly to the Open Seats candidates. These allies represent women and labor interests, grass roots organizations and other diverse groups. Through mailings, meetings, briefings and similar activities, these allies have been delivering our messages on fair and progressive taxes and effectively arguing why excise taxes are a burden to specific segments of the population.

This surreptitious effort was directed mainly at the new safe-seat Democratic party members who would soon be elected to Congress.

A primary avenue of communication has been to mail the Open Seats candidates fair tax material from a diverse number of coalition groups.

  • APRI [A Phillip Randolph Institute for blacks]
  • AAM [American Agricultural Movement run by TI lobbyist David Senter]
  • CTJ [Citizens for Tax Justice - run by TI/labor lobbyists, including David Wilhelm]
  • Citizen Action [regularly used to lobby by the Tobacco Institute] ,
  • CLUW [Coalition of Labor Union Women - funded by tobacco] ,
  • Coalition on Human Needs [Key think-tank in the Atlas Network]
  • LCLAA [Labor Council for Latin American Advancement] .
  • Leadership for the New Century [Libertarian think-tank; aka 'Leadership 2000']
  • NCSC [National Council for Senior Citizens -- a tobacco counter to the AARP]

State LMC consultants had also been meeeting the potential new state representatives.

Regarding the activities of this organisation:

Citizen Action — Vice President and Political Director Bob Brandon sent a letter and a copy of a Congressional Briefing Book on national health care. The packet was sent to all Democratic Open Seats candidates.


1992 Nov James Savarese & Associates has billed Susan Stuntz's Issues Managment division of the Tobacco Institute. His monthly consulting fee is now $10,000. They have just held a Labor Managment Committee conference in Puerto Rico and are charging air-fare costs for the delegates and their wives. [Only one of the union representatives flew cattle-class, while the executives and their wives and lawyers flew up front.]

Labor Management Committee junket to Puerto Rico
Names Organization Airfares
Robert and Donna Curtis
[Chairman LMC]
Pres. Kentucky AFL-CIO
CEO of Kentucky BC&T union
Leslie Dawson & Jim Savarese Savarese & Assoc $988
Sam Dawson Steelworkers (union) & husband of Leslie $459
Joseph and Rose Faherty Pres. MA State AFL-CIO $982
George Gould Letter Carriers (union) $458
Carolyn Jacobson & Ray Scanell (BC&T) Bakers, Conf. & Tobacco union $958
Robert McGlotten legislative director AFL-CIO $459
Robert McIntyre, Michael Ettlinger, & Ed Meyers Center for Taxation Justice (CTJ)
labor lobbyists for tobacco
John Olsen Pres CT State AFL-CIO $367
Jack Otero (LCLAA) Lab.Council for Latin Am. Advancement $459
Steve Protulis COPE [Senior Citizens organization] $459
David Schlein Am. Fed. Govt. Employees union $459
Chris Scott & Mamie Blevins NC State AFL-CIO $1,166
Tim Scully Teamsters union $488
Bob Brandon Citizen Action $459
Anna Tollison & Sandy Parish Savarese & Associates $918
Bruce Fisher Strategy Group $682


1992 Nov 11-13 The three-day Labor Management Committee meeting agenda lists various panels.

  • Bob Curtis opened the meeting
  • Federal Tax Panel (Jim Savarese/Mike Forscey are moderators)
    • Bob McGlotten, AFL-CIO
    • Bob McIntyre, Citizens for Tax Justice
    • Bob Brandon, Citizen Action
    • Eric Shulman LMC Representative (actually O&M)
  • State Tax Panel (Jim Savarese moderator)
    • Mike Ettlinger, Citizens for Tax Justice
    • Wayne Cox, Minnesota Citizens for Tax Justice
    • Pete Giangreco, The Strategy Group
  • Indoor Air Quality Panel (Mike Forscey)
    • Tom Donahue, LMC Representative (O&M)
    • Doug Weiland, Michigan LMC Counsel (local lobbyist)
    • Joe Daniels, Washington (state) LMC Counsel (local lobbyist)
    • Jim Golden, NEMI
  • Pro-Active Panel (Jim Savarese)
    • John O'Connell, Illinois LMC Counsel
    • Jim Featherstonhaugh, New York LMC Counsel
    • Pete Giangreco, The Strategy Group
    • Joe Daniels, Washington LMC Counsel


1992 Dec 25 The list of recipients to receive the Xmas "Royal Basket" from Susan Stuntz and Martin Gleason at the Tobacco Institute included his name. [32]

1993 Oct 14 Susan Stuntz has been required to justify the Labor Management Committee in a very formal report to Sam Chilcote , President of the Tobacco Institute. She has filled 14 pages with terse anecdotes of their activities. She praises:

  • Washington State LMC consultant and the Citizen Action group.
  • NEMI activities in California and in advising the OSHA on workplace air standards. [Cost is $780,000]
  • Lobbying successes by LMC consultants in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan including Citizens for Tax Justice and the AFL-CIO .
  • The NSCS which has blocked the AARP from taking an anti-tobacco position.

Last weekend when DNC Chairman David Wilhelm "took the gloves off' against special interest groups including the National Rifle Association, the health insurance industry and Citizens for a Sound Economy... the tobacco industry was notable for its absence.

She explains the roles played by various consulting companies:

  • The Strategy Group which is run by DNC chairman, David Wilhelm, helps them lobby in many states.
  • Ogilvy Adams and Rinehart provides all of the general public relations support to the national fair tax and IAQ groups, promotes allies' work and ensures prompt delivery of these same materials to the state consultants so they are available for their use.
  • Savarese & Associates , as executive director of the LMC, is chiefly responsible for keeping the unions on the LMC and The Institute informed of activity and ensuring consensus. He also is responsible for Citizens for Tax Justice and Economic Policy Institute activities and is the principal individual who reaches out to public employee unions in the states and localities.
  • The Jarvis Company acts as lobbyist for the LMC - both on Capitol Hill and within the AFL-CIO.
  • The state consultants are self-explanatory. These consultants receive a flat fee - ranging from $2,500 to $5,000/year. They have been retained for states that have large labor populations, or in states where liberal/labor connections were considered by State Activities -- and by the unions on the LMC -- to be of special value in legislative and regulatory matters.
  • Citizens for Tax Justice receives $130,000 in annual support. These funds have allowed them to bring on coordinators to handle studies of the tax structures in the 50 states, and to produce state-specific tax studies as well. CTJ also, as you know, is the chief spokesman for the labor movement on tax policy. Director Bob Mclntyre also is a regular source for comment from reporters and frequent contributor to newspaper op-eds. In addition, $60,000 is budgeted for a federal lobbyist for CTJ and for federal health care reform analyses. While the LMC is a major contributor to CTJ, it is by no means the largest and in fact the organization will survive without us. Its two chief contributors are SEIU and AFSCME. Without the LMC, CTJ simply will speak out less on cigarette taxes
  • The Economic Policy Institute received $60,000 in annual support. EPI is another tax policy group - but more of a think tank than CTJ. It produces a variety of research materials on various economic matters. This year it produced and promoted an analysis of the current health care system - and its regressivity. In addition, $75,000 is budgeted for EPI next year to use the model it developed this year to analyze the impact of the Clinton health car® plan.
  • Citizen Action receives $150,000 in general support [plus $90,000 for a conference]. It also acts as the policy guide for all of its state affiliates on health care issues which means that all of the state Citizen Action groups have actively opposed regressive excise taxes for health care reform. Citizen Action's legislative director [Cathy Hurwit] is a willing participant in fair tax briefings and conferences at which the LMC identifies the opportunity.
  • The National Council of Senior Citizens receives [$20,000 for a conference and] $95,000 in general support - which is sent directly to its affiliates in New York, California and Florida. At the national level, NCSC acts as an effective block in the seniors community to AARP and most recently has succeeded in persuading AARP that cigarette taxes are an unstable and regressive revenue source over time.
  • The Coalition on Human Needs receives $48,000 in general support and the Progressive Political Education Fund $30,000. These groups have taken positions in opposition to regressive excise taxes -- CHH in its lobbying materials for its activists on Capitol Hill and PPEF in its newsletters and outreach materials to state legislators. PPEF is working with Sen. Conrad now to identify progressive financing alternatives for health care reform.

[Many more are identified here including LCLAA ($30k), APRI ($24k), CLUW ($24k), NCL ($24k)] [33]

1993 Oct 14 Savarese & Associates is again billing the Tobacco Institute for -- September Consulting Fees -- $20,000 They are also seeking the recovery of air-fares for LMC union leaders on a junket to the annual Labor Management Committee conference, this time in Phoenix Arizona. This person is listed as having taken the junket. The LMC (via Savarese) is paying for two consultants:

  • John Brown -- 16 hours at $130 -- $2,080 This charge is for the September Activities of John Brown who

    Assisted in preparation for President Clinton's speech [and] Contacted labor representatives to gauge response and support.

    [Not clear whether this was writing a speech for Clinton via the AFL-CIO, or writing a criticism about a Clinton speech.]

  • Stan Gordon -- (called Subcontractor B) -- 15 hrs at $100 -- $1,500 He is lobbying the AFL-CIO by meeting with new Community Services director, Green Lewis. He also met with the AFGE about indoor air quality issues

1995 Sep 6-9 State Government Relations Seminar of the TI at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson Arizona, has Robert McIntyyre and his partner Edward Meyers, of Citizens for Tax Justice as Guests. [34]

1993 DecA Tobacco Instute report says Robert McIntyre as director of the CTJ was on a panel discussing the Clinton Administration's proposal to earmark cigarette excise taxes for expanding community (tax-exempt) hospital care.[35]

1995 Nov 13-20 The Labor Management Committee's annual conference and golf week. The rooming list includes one for Bob McIntyre & Ed Meyers -- both golfers. [36]

1999 Apr New Jersey union health funds (led by Carpenters Health Fund) sued Philip Morris and other members of the Tobacco Institute for the LMC deception:

The Allegations and Proof of Specific Representations To and Misconduct Directed Towards Unions and the Funds
Proffered also are the particularized allegations of misconduct by the defendants to surreptitiously and falsely attribute the lndustry's positions to organized labor, and to use current and former union officials and representatives (many of whom covertly received Industry payments as "consulting fees" or "grants" ) to:

  1. affirmatively discredit, in statements to other unions and union membcrs, the health warnings and information by legitimate health advocates; and
  2. blunt employer initiatives, including smoking cessation programs and workplace smoking restrictions, to reduce the medical costs paid by the Funds.

They had discovered new evidence. This :

... first began to be revealed when documents were produced on January 28, 1999 in response to a subpoena issued by defendants to a non-party national union, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (the "Carpenters Union" )

With the identification from these records of the Tobacco Industry's public relations firm official, James Savarese of Savarese & Associates, who served as the "Executive Director" of the Tobacco Industry Labor Management Committee (the "TILMC" ), plaintiffs were able ro subpoena and obtain additional documents disclosing the "how" and "who" within the organized labor movement that the Tobacco Industry had manipulated and/or paid to actively frustrate initiatives to reduce smoking among union members.

This new information also assisted the Funds in identifying new relevant documents from the approximately 30 million records deposited to the "Minnesota repository" in connection with litigation brought against the Tobacco industry by the Attorney General of Minnesota.

Finally, on or about March 30, 1999 plaintiffs received videotapes of Tobacco Institute media events shown, inter alia, in New Jersey, as a result of hard fought discovery motions in Fund litigation in Kentucky.

Re: the new documentary exhibits (including Exs. 24, 27, 29, 31 and 32 produced by Savarese and Associates)

These exhibits show that. contrary to the arguments by defendants to the Third Circuit, the Funds and their union and employer trustees, were not merely passive recipients of health misinformation distributed generally to the public.

Organized labor and union officials were actively recruited as soldiers in defendants' battle to insulate their products from legitimate health information and health advocates, and were manipulated to undercut the actual, on-going efforts of employers to reduce the Funds' medical costs attributable to smoking.

As the Tobacco Institute, the principal public spokesman for the major tobacco manufacturers, described:

    "Organized labor plays a significant role in almost every Institute program underway or proposed" (Ex. 12)

. The Institute used the unions enlisted into the TILMC to frustrate workplace smoking restrictions by. (inter alia)

    "Discouraging liberal and labor coalitions from taking anti-tobacco positions," and "Building support for Industry positions through the labor movement." (Ex. 14)

It accomplished these ends by

  • using the TILMC unions to publicly and selectively discredit the Surgeon General reports on the dangers of passive smoke at the workplace;
  • to widely circulate among other unions collective bargaining "kits" that were secretly developed by the Tobacco Industry,
  • [circulate kits] that undercut the Surgeon General's warnings
  • exhorted unions to adhere to AFL-CIO pro-smoking position statements (also written by the Tobacco Industry and its agents) to oppose employer initiatives to reduce smoking;
  • to organize union-boycotts of legitimate health seminars on smoking. (Exs. 14, 19 and 20)

The allegations ln Ex. 5, and the documents attached as Exs. 6 through 32 graphically demonstrate that defendants in this case singled out, made particularized misstatements to, exploited and created conflicts of interest among, organized labor and union officials and their representatives, to actively defeat the interests of and injure the Funds.

They show the defendants actively driving a wedge between the two groups of Trustees serving the Funds -- the Unions and Employers -- with Unions being exhorted to frustrate, through collective bargaining, Employer efforts to reduce Funds' costs attributable to smoking.

Re: Those 'consultants' and helpers of the LMC:

The Fund trustees selected by the Unions "are often the Union's elected officers" -- ie, the same groups of persons to whom the AFL-CIO statements and collective bargaining "kits" , secretly drafted by the Tobacco Industry, and other misrepresentations and misconduct described above, were directed.


2002 Dec Washington Post article quotes him: "If we take out Social Security, the poor will look very lightly taxed," said Robert S McIntyre of Citizens for Tax Justice a tax research group backed by organized labor."