Ronald Utt

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{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} Dr. Ronald D. Utt (also known as Ron Utt) holds a doctorate in economics from Indiana University and a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Penn State University.

Mr. Utt was in 1994 a member of the 'Business Advisory Board' of the Center on Regulation and Economic Growth, a program of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution (AdTI).

Merrick Carey (then president of AdTI) wrote on February 8, 1994 to David P. Nicoli of Philip Morris about a pro-tobacco campaign

"We plan to activate our key Advisory Board members, including Jack Kemp, Robert Kasten, Dick Armey, Michael Boskin and others to mount a public awareness campaign immediately (see enclosed list of Center on Regulation and Economic Growth participants)." [1] (emphasis added)

Several members of the 'Center on Regulation and Economic Growth' were involved in that campaign. It's not known if Mr. Utt got involved or not.

At that time he was a managing director for Novecon Ltd., a Washington D.C.-based company focusing on trade and business development with Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Later he became founder and the president a real estate and residential renovation firm in Virginia.

Tobacco industry documents

  • Ron Utt was listed as a "third party contact for media" on the issue of on-the-job absenteeism related to smoking in a 1991 Philip Morris document.
  • Ron Utt was listed in a 1993 Philip Morris document as a "national third party contact" the industry could tap to help refut the issue of the social costs of tobacco.


  • Jane S. Shaw, Ronald D. Utt, hon. Malcolm Wallop, "A Guide to Smart Growth: Shattering Myths, Providing Solutions", Heritage Foundation, April 2000, ISBN 0891955070

Malcolm Wallop was in 1994 a member of the 'Congressional Advisory Board' of that same 'Center on Regulation and Economic Growth'.

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