San Leon Energy

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"San Leon Energy is a growing force in the energy sector. By acreage, we are one of Europe's largest unconventional oil and gas companies - a position achieved through our innovative technical expertise, dynamic business strategy and fast-moving approach.... The Company already manages substantial oil and gas projects in Poland, Albania, Morocco, Spain, Ireland, France, Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Germany. Our main focus is currently on Polish unconventional oil and gas reserves, Albania, Morocco and Ireland."[1] They are "Europe's leading shale gas company by acreage". Ownership is approx. 50% institutions and 10% officers/directors; Key institutions Quantum Partners LLP (Soros) and Blackrock Investment Management Ltd. Acquisitions to date : Gold Point Energy (2009), Island Oil & Gas (2010), Realm Energy (2011), and Aurelian Oil & Gas (2013).


Accessed March 2013: [2]



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  1. San Leon Energy About, organizational web page, accessed March 23, 2013.
  2. San Leon Energy Board, organizational web page, accessed March 23, 2013.