Terry Leahy

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Biographical Information

"Mr. Leahy became a senior CD&R advisor in 2011 and is based in London. In his 32-year career at Tesco plc, Mr. Leahy helped to transform the company into the third largest retailer in the world, serving in a number of senior positions, including Chief Executive Officer from 1997 to 2011. During his CEO tenure, Tesco quadrupled both sales and profits and expanded into new products, store formats, lines of business and geographies. Mr. Leahy was chancellor of UMIST, his alma mater, from 2002 until 2004, when he became a co-chancellor of the newly-formed University of Manchester. He was honored with a Doctor of Science from Cranfield University in June 2007. "[1]

"He has also made a number of private investments, including in MetaPack, a software company which helps to improve retailers' supply chains, and The Hut Group, an online retailer." [1]


  • on the advisory council of Demos
  • a Knight (became Sir Terry Leahy in 2002 - [3]
  • according to [4], a "shelf stacker made good"
  • they clarify this though, by saying "He first worked for the retailer as a schoolboy, when he put in a brief stint at the Wandsworth store during his school holidays." and "After graduating from university, Mr Leahy returned to Tesco in 1979 as a marketing executive "
  • 'Business Leader of the Year 2003' [5]
  • the Chancellor of UMIST, his alma mater [6]

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  1. Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Partners and Senior Advisors, organizational web page, accessed June 20, 2012.
  2. Foundation Years Trust PEople, organizational web page, accessed December 12, 2014.
  3. Sustainable Consumption Institute Terry Leahy, organizational web page, accessed June 25, 2012.
  4. Social Mobility Foundation Trustees, organizational web page, accessed August 3, 2012.