Sony B. Harsono

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Biographical Information

"Mr. Harsono has been a professional business adviser for over 30 years and is one of the leading advisers on structuring and tax issues in Indonesia. He spent most of his career working for major international accounting firms, including a 3 year secondment in Melbourne, Australia before setting up his own business advisory practice. He was Chairman of one of the Big Four accounting firms in Indonesia, after which he was CEO of Harsono Hadibroto Consulting. Mr. Harsono is now CEO of Harsono Hermanto Strategic Consulting. He is currently Chairman of the Indonesia-Japan Economic Committee of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN). Sony is also a member of the Board of Advisers to the United States-Indonesia Society (USINDO)." [1]

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  1. Bumi Board, organizational web page, accessed April 21, 2012.