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Vermont Yankee (Nuclear Power Station)

490 bytes added, 15:57, 7 April 2008
SW: add info on public hearing
In March 2008, the [[Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards]] suggested to the U.S. [[Nuclear Regulatory Commission]] that Vermont Yankee's operating license be extended from the current 2012 limit to 2032. "This summer there will be a hearing on the issue and the commission will likely reach its decision by late this year or early 2009. ... Vermont has a requirement that the state Legislature vote to give approval if Yankee is to keep operating," reported Vermont's ''Rutland Herald''. <ref>Louis Porter, "[ Vt. Yankee receives nod for longer license]," ''Rutland Herald'' (Vermont), March 22, 2008.</ref>
In April 2008, at "the last of four public meetings held by the [Governor Jim] Douglas administration on the future of the nuclear reactor," two officials with Vermont's Department of Public Service were "peppered ... with questions," reported Vermont's ''Rutland Herald''. <ref>Susan Smallheer, "[ Brattleboro hosts boisterous nuclear forum]," ''Rutland Herald'' (Vermont), April 3, 2008.</ref>
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