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Vermont Yankee (Nuclear Power Station)

366 bytes added, 16:05, 25 April 2008
SW: Parenti
'''Vermont Yankee''' is a nuclear power station owned by [[Entergy]] Nuclear. It is located in the town of Vernon, Vermont and generates 640 megawatts (MWe) of electricity.
Thanks to energy market deregulation, Entergy purchased the plant in 2001 "for a mere $180 million. That's about half the price it would cost to build an equal-sized coal plant or wind farm." <ref name="Parenti">Christian Parenti, "[ What Nuclear Renaissance?], ''The Nation'', May 12, 2008.</ref>
==License extension==
In April 2008, at "the last of four public meetings held by the [Governor Jim] Douglas administration on the future of the nuclear reactor," two officials with Vermont's Department of Public Service were "peppered ... with questions," reported Vermont's ''Rutland Herald''. "People appeared to be the most upset when [state engineer Uldis] Vanags talked about the high-level radioactive nuclear waste produced at Vermont Yankee, and the fact that it would remain deadly for thousands of years. ... While the vast majority of the comments were against any future for nuclear power in Vermont, there was a small contingent of pro-nuclear residents, some of whom were employees from the nearby reactor." <ref>Susan Smallheer, "[ Brattleboro hosts boisterous nuclear forum]," ''Rutland Herald'' (Vermont), April 3, 2008.</ref>
==Safety concerns==
==SourceWatch resources==


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