"Just after the uprate, one of Vermont Yankee's twenty-two cooling towers collapsed. ... Entergy officials said the collapse 'baffled' them. The plant's spokesman, [[Rob Williams]], admitted that 'our inspections were not effective enough.' Reached by phone, [[Gregory Jaczko]], a commissioner at the NRC, admitted that the collapse 'didn't look good.' But he went on to reassure the public that the plant is essentially safe." <ref name="Parenti"/>
==Not "carbon-emissions" free==
In 2008, Vermont Yankee ran ads touting the plant as having zero carbon-emissions. The [[Vermont Public Interest Research Group]] filed a complaint, saying the ads were misleading. In March 2009, Vermont Attorney General [[William Sorrell]] agreed with the advocacy group, concluding that while "emissions generated by electricity production at nuclear plants are negligible, they occur when uranium is mined, processed and transported for use as fuel." Vermont Yankee spokesman [[Rob Williams]] called the wording of the ads "unfortunate," and said the plant wouldn't make similar claims in the future, without explaining them. <ref>"[http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20090313/NEWS02/903130313/-1/NEWS05 Sorrell says Vt. Yankee's emissions claim is false]," The Associated Press, March 13, 2009.</ref>
==Articles and resources==