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Martin County Mine

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{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}} The '''Martin County Mining Complex''' of Kentucky, is owned by [[Massey Energy]]. "The Martin County complex, which and was idled in January 2007, . The complex "has historically produced coal from underground and surface mines. Direct-ship coal production from the surface mines was shipped to river docks via truck. Coal requiring processing was transported by conveyor belt or truck to the preparation plant. Martin County’s preparation plant has a throughput capacity of 1,500 tons per hour, although the throughput capacity is limited due to decreased impoundment availability. The coal from the preparation plant can be shipped either via the Norfolk Southern railway in unit trains of up to 125 railcars or to river docks via truck." Massey Energy reports that "although no firm plans have been made, we continue to evaluate options for the complex, which may include a resumption of operations, allowing it to remain idle, or pursuing disposal alternatives."<ref>Massey Energy, [ "Massey Energy 2008 10K"], SEC Info, February 29, 2008.</ref>
==Mine Data==


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