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Farmersburg Mine

1,536 bytes added, 21:55, 29 October 2009
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{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}}
'''Farmersburg Mine''' is a surface operation mine in Vigo and Sullivan Counties in Indiana, and is a [[Peabody Energy]] operation.
The mine opened in 1996 and shipped 3.3 million tons of medium sulfur coal in 2008. Its workforce of 260 uses a combination of dragline, truck/shovel, and tractor push to uncover coal in the Indiana No. 7 and No. 6 seams. The coal is transported by train to multiple utilities.<ref>[ "Farmersburg Mine"] Peabody Energy Website, October 2009</ref>

==Mine Data==
*'''Owner''': Black Beauty Coal Company
*'''Parent company''': [[Peabody Energy]]
*'''Location''': Vigo and Sullivan Counties, Indiana
*'''GPS coordinates''':
*'''Production''': 3.3 million tons (2008)
*'''Type of coal''': Medium sulfur
*'''Mine type''': Surface
*'''Equipment''': dragline, truck/shovel, and tractor push
*'''Number of employees''': 260
*'''Recoverable Reserves''': 24 million tons

==Contact Information==
Black Beauty Coal Company<br>
7100 Eagle Crest Blvd.<br>
Evansville, IN 47715<br>
Phone: 812-434-8500<br>

==Articles and resources==
===Related SourceWatch articles===
*[[Coal and jobs in the United States]]
*[[Coal phase-out]]
*[[Headquarters of U.S. coal mining companies]]
*[[Global list of coal mining companies and agencies]]
*[[Indiana and coal]]
*[[Proposed coal mines]]

=== References ===

[[Category:Existing coal mines in the United States]]
[[Category:Indiana]][[Category:Existing coal mines in Indiana]]


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