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Mach No. 1 Mine

2,109 bytes added, 22:20, 6 November 2009
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{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}}
'''Mach No. 1 Mine''' is an underground mine near Johnston City, Illinois, owned by Mach Mining, LLC, a subsidiary of Colt Coal. The mine began production in 2005.

In February 2006 the roof of the mine collapsed, and operations were halted by the Mine Safety and Health Administration until the mine was "deemed safe to re-enter" by inspectors.<ref>[ "MSHA won't allow Mach Mine to reopen until safe"] The, September 13, 2007</ref> In March 2006 the Secretary of Labor issued citations asserting Mach Mining violated mandatory safety standards, which the company contested, and the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission dismissed two citations but upheld one.<ref>[ "Mach Mining v. Secretary of Labor"] Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Website, decided on October 29, 2007</ref>

As of November 2009 the mine is awaiting approval of its submitted ventilation and roof-control plan to resume full operations.<ref>[,0,5485758.story "Southern Ill. coal mine subject of hearing"] Chicago Tribune, November 4, 2009</ref>

==Mine Data==
*'''Owner''': Mach Mining, LLC
*'''Parent company''': Colt Coal
*'''Location''': Johnston City, Illinois
*'''GPS coordinates''':
*'''Production''': 5,503,665 tons (2008)
*'''Type of coal''': Bituminous
*'''Mine type''': Underground
*'''Number of employees''': 165

==Articles and resources==
===Related SourceWatch articles===
*[[Coal and jobs in the United States]]
*[[Coal phase-out]]
*[[Headquarters of U.S. coal mining companies]]
*[[Global list of coal mining companies and agencies]]
*[[Illinois and coal]]
*[[Proposed coal mines]]

==External Links==
EIA Major U.S. Coal Mines:

=== References ===

[[Category:Existing coal mines in the United States]]
[[Category:Illinois]][[Category:Existing coal mines in Illinois]]


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