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21:21, 7 November 2009 {{#Badges: CoalSwarm}} '''McKinley Mine''' is a surface coal mine near Window Rock, New Mexico, owned by [[Chevron Mining]], a subsidiary of [[Chevron]].<ref>[http://www.chevron.com/deliveringenergy/coal/ "Coal: Moving Technology Forward"], Chevron website, accessed June 2009.</ref>
The mine provided coal for [[Arizona Public Service]]'s [[Cholla Generating Station]] at Joseph City, Arizona; [[Salt River Project]]'s [[Coronado Generating Station]] in Saint Johns, Arizona; [[Tucson Electric Power Company]]'s [[H. Wilson Sundt Generating Station]] in Tucson, Arizona; [[AbitibiBowater]]'s [[Abitibi Snowflake Power Plant]] in Snowflake, Arizona; and [[Arizona Electric Power Cooperative]]'s [[Apache Generating Station]] in Benson, Arizona.<ref>[http://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/mmd/CoalMinesQuery/default.aspx?Mode=MineInformation&MineID=11 "McKinley Mine"] New Mexico Coal Mines Query, November 2009</ref>
In September 2009 Chevron Mining officials announced that operations at the mine would stop altogether by December 2009. Chevron had announced a few years ago that the McKinley lease would be mined out by 2009 or 2010.<ref>Bill Donovan,[http://www.navajotimes.com/business/2009/0909/092409mine.php "McKinley Mine to cease operations in December"] The Navajo Times Online, September 24, 2009</ref> The Navajo Tribe had comprised 86 percent of the workforce at McKinley Mine.<ref>Deborah Dasch,[http://www.unr.edu/mines/mine-eng/careers/minevoice.html "The Many Faces of Mining"] MiningVoice, accessed November 2009</ref>
==Mine Data==
*'''Operator''': [[Chevron Mining]]
*'''Owner''': [[Chevron]]
*'''Location''': Window Rock, New Mexico
*'''GPS coordinates''':
*'''Production''': 3,644,085 tons (2007)
*'''Type of coal''':
*'''Mine type''': Surface
*'''Number of employees''': 214
==Contact Details==
Chevron Mining Inc. <br>
116 Inverness Dr.East, Ste. 207 <br>
Englewood, Colorado 80112 <br>
==Articles and resources==
===Related SourceWatch articles===
*[[Coal and jobs in the United States]]
*[[Coal phase-out]]
*[[Headquarters of U.S. coal mining companies]]
*[[Global list of coal mining companies and agencies]]
*[[New Mexico and coal]]
*[[Proposed coal mines]]
[[Category:Existing coal mines in the United States]]
[[Category:New Mexico]][[Category:Existing coal mines in New Mexico]]
[[Category:United States]][[Category:Corporations]][[Category:Mining]]