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01:25, 12 November 2009 {{#Badges: CoalSwarm}}'''Sulphur Springs Strip Mine''' is owned and operated by Luminant Mining, a subsidiary of Energy Future Holdings Corp., and is located near Thermo, Texas, three miles southeast of Sulphur Springs, Texas. It is also known as Thermo Mine. The mine began operations in 1978.<ref>[http://www.msha.gov/FATALS/2008/FTL08c02.asp "Fatal Fall of Highwall"] Mine Safety & Health Administration Website, January 12, 2008</ref>
==Mine Data==
*'''Owner''': Luminant Mining
*'''Parent company''': Energy Future Holdings Corp.
*'''Location''': Winfield, Texas
*'''GPS coordinates''':
*'''Production''': 2.1 million short tons
*'''Type of coal''':
*'''Mine type''': Surface
*'''Equipment''': Highwall, Truck and Shovel
*'''Number of employees''': 119
==Conatct Information==
Sulphur Springs Strip Mine<br>
2309 Sulphur Springs<br>
Winfield, TX 75493<br>
Phone: (903) 439-1411<br>
==Articles and resources==
===Related SourceWatch articles===
*[[Coal and jobs in the United States]]
*[[Coal phase-out]]
*[[Headquarters of U.S. coal mining companies]]
*[[Global list of coal mining companies and agencies]]
*[[Texas and coal]]
*[[Proposed coal mines]]
== References ==
== External links ==
* [http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/coal/page/acr/table9.html "Major U.S. Coal Mines,"] Energy Information Administration
[[Category:Existing coal mines in the United States]][[Category:Texas]]
[[Category:Existing coal mines in Texas]]