<googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.837496" lon="-88.584051" zoom="16"></googlemap>
{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}}
{{#display_map:| 37.84 , -88.58 |width=600|height=350|type=satellite|zoom=14}}
Although the Energy Information Administration and the [[U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration]] consider '''Galatia Mine''' to be just one mine, it operates out of two portals, which are listed on the Murray Energy website as separate mines. The New Future Mine operates in the Springfield No. 5 seam and produces mid-sulfur bituminous coal. The New Era Mine operates in the Herrin No. 6 seam and produces high-sulfur bituminous coal. Both are operated by the American Coal Company, a subsidiary of Murray Energy. The Galatia complex also includes a third portal, the Galatia North Portal, which is inactive. <ref>[http://www.snl.com/products/samples/energy/ECD/sample1.pdf Daily Coal Report]</ref>
*[[Illinois and coal]]
*[[Proposed coal mines]]
*[[Existing U.S. Coal Plants]]
To see a listing of coal mines in a particular state, click on the map:
<us_map redirect="Category:Existing coal mines in {state}"></us_map>
=== References ===