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San Miguel Mine

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{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}}'''San Miguel Mine''' is a coal mine near Christine, Texas, owned by [[San Miguel Electric Cooperative Inc.]], and operated by the [[The North American Coal Corporation]]. North American Coal began contracting mining operations at the mine in 1997. The mine delivers approximately 3.5 million tons of coal per year, particularly to the power station, [[San Miguel Electric Cooperative]]. The operation utilizes draglines for overburden removal and reclaims about 300 acres of land annually.<ref>[ "Operations: San Miguel Mine"], North American Coal Corporation website, November 2009.</ref>
==Mine Data==
*'''Parent company''': [[North American Coal]]
*'''Location''': Christine, Texas
*'''GPS coordinates''': 28.683058,-98.48402
*'''Production''': 3,500,000 tons
*'''Type of coal''': Lignite


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