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Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen

207 bytes added, 16:55, 20 January 2011
SW: biog skeptic lnk
Whilst Dr Boehmer-Christiansen's views are scholarly and complex she is clearly ideologically motivated in her work on climate. She rejects the IPCC consensus despite being on an IPCC working party and quotes include "the so-called science of climate change consists to a large degree of 'cherry picking. Both the IPCC 'consensus ' and Stern are products of alliances of
interests that are not primarily concerned about 'climate' - a poorly understood natural system that may be subject to anthropogenic as well as galactic influences'."<ref>"[$File/D07%20119818%20General%20Submission%20-%20Sonja%20A%20Boehmer-Christiansen.pdf]"</ref> According to Fred Pearce, Boehmer-Christiansen is a sceptic about acid rain and global warming and calls the science reports produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change "political constructs." 
==Serial Accusations of Misconduct==


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