{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project''' is one of nine 'ultra mega' coal-fired power stations proposed by the government of India as part of a strategy to add an additional 100,000 megawatts of generation capacity by 2017. The 4,000 megawatt project is in the state of Andhra Pradesh and is being developed by [[Reliance Power]].<ref name="ABARE2010">Rebecca Petchey, Michael Lampard and Alan Copeland, [http://www.abare.gov.au/publications_html/ac/ac_10/ac10_Mar_a.pdf ''Thermal coal"], ''Australian commodities'', ABARE, Volume 17 number 1, March quarter 2010, page 155.</ref><ref>Amiti Sen & Subhash Narayan, [http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/energy/power/States-make-case-for-second-UMPP-with-advanced-land-clearances/articleshow/5703788.cms "States make case for second UMPP with advanced land clearances"], ''Economic Times'', (India), March 20, 2010.</ref>