{{stub}}{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Ratnagiri Power Plant''' is a 1200 megawatt (MW) coal-fired station consisting of four 300 MW units. It is located in Jaigad, in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, India. It is owned by [[JSW Energy]]. The final unit began commercial operation in October 2011.<ref>[http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/fourth-300-mw-unitjsws-ratnagiri-plant-comes-onstream_600548.html "Fourth 300-MW unit of JSW's Ratnagiri plant comes onstream,"] MoneyControl.com, October 17, 2011</ref>
The 3,200 MW [[Ratnagiri Power Plant expansion]] has been proposed for the same location. 4In July 2011,400 megawatt ([[JSW Energy]] said it was delaying expansion of the 3,200 MW) expansion as it awaits coal-fired power station (1,200 MW in the first phase pricing “clarity” from Indonesia and 3Australia.<ref>Rajesh Kumar Singh,200 in the second phase) planned by [[http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-22/billionaire-jindal-s-jsw-delays-power-project-expansion-on-high-coal-costs.html "Billionaire Jindal’s JSW EnergyDelays Power-Project Expansion on High Coal Costs"]] for Bloomberg, July 22, 2011.</ref>
Maharashtra is among India’s most industrialized states, and is reportedly seeking to make itself an "attractive investment destination" for manufacturers to maintain its primacy in the sector.<ref>Makarand Gadgil, [http://www.livemint.com/2011/09/10000526/RPower-wants-to-scrap-Raigad.html?h=B "R-Power wants to scrap Raigad power project"] Wall Street Journal, Sep. 10, 2011.</ref>In July 2011, [[JSW Energy]] said it was delaying expansion of its 3,200 MW coal plant in Ratnagiri as it waits for coal-pricing “clarity” from Indonesia and Australia.<ref>Rajesh Kumar Singh, [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-22/billionaire-jindal-s-jsw-delays-power-project-expansion-on-high-coal-costs.html "Billionaire Jindal’s JSW Delays Power-Project Expansion on High Coal Costs"] Bloomberg, July 22, 2011.</ref>