{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}}'''Sompeta power station (Suryachakra)''' is a proposed 1200 megawatt (MW) coal plant in Andhra Pradesh state, India. The project is mentioned on the list of applications to the Ministry of Coal for long term coal linkage.<ref>[http://coal.nic.in/cpd190811.pdf "Pending Application of IPPs up to 31st July, 2011,"] Ministry of Coal, August 18, 2011</ref> However there is no mention of the project on the Suryachakra Group website.<ref name="company">[http://suryachakra.in/proposed/ "Proposed Clean Technology Based Thermal Power Projects,"] company website, accessed January 2012</ref>
The map below shows the location of Sompeta but not the exact location of the project.