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Wardha Warora Power Plant

75 bytes added, 03:30, 18 March 2012
SW: updating operating dates
{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Wardha Warora Power Plant''' is a proposed 540 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station in the Warora Growth Centre, District Chandrapur, in Maharashtra. The project is owned by [[Wardha Power Company]] Limited ((WPCL), a subsidiary of [[KSK Energy Ventures]].<ref name="Project">KSK Energy Ventures, [ "KSK Energy Ventures sets up a 540 MW Project in Maharashtra"], Media Release, May 13, 2007.</ref> The first three plant comprises four units of the 4X135 135 MW plant have been each, commissioned, with the final unit 4 completed in April follows:<refRef>[ ArS57I "India Central Electricity Authority Monthly Reportreport on broad status of thermal power projects in the country,"] India Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Electrical Authority, April 2011.Thermal Projects Monitoring Division, February 2012</ref> * Unit 1 - 135 MW - June 2010* Unit 2 - 135 MW - October 2010* Unit 3 - 135 MW - January 2011* Unit 4 - 135 MW - April 2011
The company states that coal will be sourced from [[Western Coalfields]], a subsidiary of [[Coal India]]. The plant is being built for WPCL by [[Shangdong Electric Power Construction Corporation]] (SEPCO).<ref name="Thermal">KSK Energy Ventures, [ "Thermal Power Plants"], KSK Energy Ventures website, accessed February 2012.</ref>
'''Location:''' Warora Growth Centre, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra<br>
'''Coordinates:''' <br>
'''Status:''' Part commissioned, remainder under constructionOperating<br>
'''Nameplate capacity:''' 540 MW<br>
'''Type:''' <br>

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