{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}}The '''Vadarevu Ultra Mega Power Project''' a proposed 4000 megawatt (MW) coal-fired plant proposed by [[Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation]] to be sited in VadadevuVadarevu,Chirala taluk, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, India.<ref name="Table">[http://www.apgenco.gov.in/inner.asp?frm=capacity&sid=126&filename=contents.xml&Tagname=GrowthPlans&subhname=GrowthPlans "Capacity Additions - Projects Under Development,"] APGENCO website, accessed December 2011</ref> The project will be developed in three stages: Stage I 2013-14, Stage II 2014-15, and Stage II 2015-16.<ref name="Table"/>
Stage I of the project consists of two 800 MW units. APGENCO has received approval from the government of Andhra Pradesh. The utility states that [[Power Finance Corporation]] "has agreed in principle to provide loan for Stage-I." <ref>Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation, [http://www.apgenco.gov.in/viewHTMLpage.asp?lfile=uploadedfiles/VTPP.htm "Vadarevu TPP Stage-I (1600 MW)"], Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation website, accessed November 2011.</ref>