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New Zealand Steel

972 bytes added, 10:24, 26 April 2012
SW: add details
{{stub}}{{#badges:CoalNewZealand}}'''New Zealand Steel''' is the only steel mill in New Zealand producing flat rolled steel products for the building, construction, manufacturing and agricultural industries. The [[Glenbrook Steel Mill]] is located approximately 60 kilometres south of Auckland. New Zealand Steel is owned by [[BlueScope Steel]].<ref>New Zealand Steel, [ "History"], New Zealand Steel website, accessed April 2012.</ref>
==Coal supply==
New Zealand Steel's Glenbrook steel mill is the second largest domestic consumer of New Zealand coal, consuming approximately 800,000 tonnes a year.<ref name="MED">Ministry of Economic Development, [ "Introduction to New Zealand’s Coal Resources"], August 2011, page 2.</ref> Coal for the plant is supplied from the [[Huntly East mine]] and the [[Rotowaro Opencast Mine]], accounting for 95%<ref>Solid Energy, [,205,0,0/Huntly-East.html "Huntley East Underground mine"], Solid Energy website, accessed March 2012.</ref> and 25% respectively of the two mines.<ref name="Fact">Solid Energy, [,204,432/rotowaro-factsheet.pdf "Rotowaro Mine"]. Solid Energy, August 2008.</ref> (The [[Huntly Power Station]], which is owned and operated by [[Genesis Energy]], is the largest consumer).
==Contact details==
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